Power ballads

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK
Nobody should ever write them, ever. Not because they're bad, they're fucking great, but because nobody can ever do a ballad like skid row.

Discuss :D
I like a good Power Ballad every now and again - guess it depends on ones definition of a Power Ballad but in certain types of metal they come across just fine in my book.

I thought Iron Maiden did a fine job with Coming Home on their most recent release.

Hell even Metallica got into the Power Ballad business early on with the excellent Fade to Black on RtL

And then once again with Sanitarium on MoP,

When done well, a power ballad can add to an album, but when done badly they do indeed suck. It ultimately comes down to the the shitty music is just shitty music regardless the type or style and all subject to personal opinion.
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