Power ballads?

"You're All I Need" and "Don't Know What You've Got" are awesome songs.

I'd add "Tears of the Dragon" by Bruce, and "Whiter Shade of Pale" as sung by Doro
Tears of the Dragon! :headbang:

I'd say something about Xena having great songs at her wedding, but I'd just get accused of trying to crack on to her. ;)
You once didnt know about underground bands either you know :) Not to excuse the more idiotic members of society (of which there are many) from their stupidity of course, but there you go :)
Look no further than the Scorpions, Phloggy. Kick off with Still Loving You and Holiday, then try Lady Starlight and Send Me An Angel.

The live version of Thin Lizzy's Still In Love With You is a real heart-tearer, as is I Still Love You by KISS. The unplugged version is best, depending on my mood of course.

If you get tired of the bog standard "my baby left me and I want to kill myself" formula (and who doesn't?), grab Going to California and The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin. By the time you get through those, you should be ready for Since I've Been Loving You. Listen carefully and see if you can spot John Bonham's drum pedal squeaking :).

Honourable mentions:

WASP: Forever Free, The Idol and Hold On To My Heart

Queensryche: Silent Lucidity, I Will Remember and Someone Else? (both versions)

Black Sabbath: Feels Good To Me and I Won't Cry For You.

Deep Purple: When a Blind Man Cries, Love Conquers All, Soldier of Fortune and Mistreated

Rainbow: Rainbow Eyes

Queen: The Show Must Go On, Too Much Love Will Kill You and Who Wants to Live Forever?

DravenMist said:
I was never a yobbo bogan cunt like 'them' though,

why not? Being a yobbo bogan cunt rocks, I'm one, so are several asteemed members of this board.

I think theres a bit of jealousy on your behalf, for not being a "true" Australian.

I bet your the kind of person who has fancy kebabs at a barbecue, and says "Beer sucks"

If you are, I'll fucking kill you.
I cant believe we all forgot the almighty Winds Of Change by The Scorpions

!:worship: !:worship: WINDS OF CHANGE !:worship: :worship:

Dammit I wish I could find my Scorpions Greatest Hits cd :cry:
DravenMist said:
No, I'm fucking Australian as anything you would ever know, and proud of it...I just don't assoiciate myself with the stereotypical dole bludging-triple M rock listening-permanently pissed cunt-I don't know the words to the national anthem-fair dinkum-short's and singlet wearing-cricket loving-footy worshipping-ute driving-I'm a tradesman-robbo and bazza-fishing's my job-stubby in one hand, smoke in the other kind of Australian that calls a pub home. :D I'm just Australian thank you very much.

:lol: only two of them don't apply to me

I'm not a tradesman, and I don't listen to triple M.
spawn said:
It was the thrash guys vs. the glam metal "posers" in the 80s basically :)
I've got a Hard N Heavy video from '88 where two of the guys from Heathen are standing outside a thrash club in San Fransisco reminiscing about a "great night" where Exodus played there and said they wanted the head of a poser on the stage, and then a couple of guys went outside, found a glam dude with hairspray and spandex, and slit his throat. Fucking idiots...
DravenMist said:
according to a certain radio station, that song was a cover, originally written by someone else other than Guns N Roses...yes? no?
Are you sure it was November Rain? Because Guns N Roses did a couple of other covers that were massive hits like Live & Let Die and Knockin' On Heaven's Door... they could've been talking about one of them.
The Trooper said:
I've got a Hard N Heavy video from '88 where two of the guys from Heathen are standing outside a thrash club in San Fransisco reminiscing about a "great night" where Exodus played there and said they wanted the head of a poser on the stage, and then a couple of guys went outside, found a glam dude with hairspray and spandex, and slit his throat. Fucking idiots...

Yeah I have that video too, I have a hard time believeing it actually happened to be honest :)
I just got a Scorpions greatest hits CD, Spawn. It's not the Deadly Sting one you have because that would cost about $80 to import. It's called "Best" and has a silvery grey cover. I also ordered "Classic Bites" for only $8.95 (!!) which is made up of all the best songs from Crazy World and Face The Heat.

A few more ballads I forgot are "You Keep On Moving" by Deep Purple (one of their greatest songs ever) as well as "Angel" and "What It Takes" by Aerosmith. Those last two came out when Steve, Joe and the boys were still writing interesting songs instead of just rehashing the same thing over and over again.

Mine was a 2cd one, I think it was called The Mercury Years or something, it was good, I dont know what happened to it, I lose cds so easily, its probably under a lounge somewhere in paraguay or something.