Power Metal /Melodic Metal Vocals Effects Chain


New Metal Member
Apr 2, 2010
Hi everybody.

At firtst, Congrats for all the community!!

I Decided to pre-produce my band's songs... my question is:

I Have completed all guitar the drums lines and got satisfied.


I didn't get good effects/compression on Vocal Lines, so i'd like some "light" in order to find a good effect chain...'coz nothing I've tried.. has been good for me...

My intention is to find something like EDGUY, STRATOVARIUS AND SONATA ARCTICA


I use for this:

DAW: Nuendo 3.2
Plugins Installed: Waves Diamond Bundle 5.2, and Vintage Warmer,
Audio Interface: M-audio Firewire 410
Mic: Shure SM58

Is there any need of using better or different plugins? plz tell me!!

Tks for all!!
A good mic and a good pre it´s better than all plugins that you cant get. But if you have a good recording of the vocals, now it´s time to smash the track with the compressor!lol Im joking, it depends on what you have but a good compression always work. Saturation may be also usefull and then a good reverb and delay.
A good mic and a good pre it´s better than all plugins that you cant get. But if you have a good recording of the vocals, now it´s time to smash the track with the compressor!lol Im joking, it depends on what you have but a good compression always work. Saturation may be also usefull and then a good reverb and delay.

but talking 'bout plugins... Do I have good ones??

PSP Vintage Warmer works as a Preamp?
Waves Diamond has compressor, reverb and delay... some people say they're good ones... but I'm sure i need some other opnions

Should I use in this sequence? Vintage Warmer >> Compressor >>Reverb and Delay?

Id drop the SM58 for a starters. You need a decent large diaphragm condensor for this type of music IMHO. I would not go for a valve mic/pre but get a decent outboard preamp to go with it. Also, knowledge of whoevers singing (including yourself) goes a long way... I record both myself and my woman regularly and even if we used the same mic theres no way I could get away with using the same set of eq/filters for both of us and thats before you even consider the type of music.
if the vocals were recorded well I wouldn't bother with the vintage warmer. Eq the vocals very lightly ... basically just a hi & low pass and maybe a small 2-3db bump somewhere in the upper mids to give the vocals just a little more edge. Then add compressor and you'll just have to figure that out on your own cause if you have Waves diamond bundle, I really doubt you would have paid that much money on plugins you don't know how to use ;) Set up 2 aux tracks, 1 for verb and 1 for a delay. Use sends to, well, send as much of your main vocal as you feel is needed to the delay. You'll have to mess with the settings but basically what you're after is 2 small repeats. I wouldn't use too much verb on the main vocal, just enough to make it slightly rounder and with a bit more space and then put an EQ on the aux track AFTER the verb to trim and tighten the verb sound. For me what works is using more of the delay sound with a small amount of verb on the main vocals and then using only verb for backing vocals and sending more of their signal to it than the main vocal but again, experiment and see what works best for you
but talking 'bout plugins... Do I have good ones??

PSP Vintage Warmer works as a Preamp?
Waves Diamond has compressor, reverb and delay... some people say they're good ones... but I'm sure i need some other opnions

Should I use in this sequence? Vintage Warmer >> Compressor >>Reverb and Delay?


Just FYI, as soon as you mention Waves, no one around here is going to want to help you

Vintage Warmer is not a preamp it is a plugin

But reverb and a slight slapback delay will at least put you in the ballpark
Just FYI, as soon as you mention Waves, no one around here is going to want to help you

Vintage Warmer is not a preamp it is a plugin

But reverb and a slight slapback delay will at least put you in the ballpark

In this case... I know it's not a vocal preamp...but my Pod XT live would help in this case, working as a vocal preamp??

Well...i talked bout waves...but the guys could indicate others...

Tks a lot!
but talking 'bout plugins... Do I have good ones??

PSP Vintage Warmer works as a Preamp?
Waves Diamond has compressor, reverb and delay... some people say they're good ones... but I'm sure i need some other opnions

Should I use in this sequence? Vintage Warmer >> Compressor >>Reverb and Delay?


When I said preamp I was talking about the interface. You only use the plugins if you feel the need for them. Of course compression and some eq it will be always needed and some reverb/delay but not the saturation.
Well my sequence is something like this: Compressor/Eq/Saturation
If you are doing that in cubase you should run a track FX for the reverb/delay.