Power Metal Screams?


New Metal Member
Jul 23, 2011
Hey guys I recently have been branching off from my regular metal tastes and moving into power metal and there is one special thing about power metal that absolutely amazed me and that is the power metal scream. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any good somewhat heavy songs that have really good screams in them if any of you guys know bands or specific songs that do I would appreciate it if you could share.

Some songs so you guys know what I'm talking about
Excalion - the wingman
Lost Horizon - Pretty much every song
Into eternity (i know they are not power metal) - that low to high in pain through breathing
Primal fear - Angel in black
10,000 Strong by Iced Earth
The entire song "Framing Armageddon" by the same band.

Anything Tim Owens sings on.

Tim sounds like a man though, whereas most power metal singers seem to sound like women so you might not like Tim so much.
10,000 Strong by Iced Earth
The entire song "Framing Armageddon" by the same band.

Anything Tim Owens sings on.

Tim sounds like a man though, whereas most power metal singers seem to sound like women so you might not like Tim so much.

No way man those were just what I was looking for thank you (the music video for 10,000 strong kinda reminded me of the movie heavy metal)
Try Helloween, Gamma Ray, Rhapsody. European bands are usually more creative with the high pitched screams, the solos and the madness.

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I don't even like a lot of power metal and I think you're being a fuckin' goof. The screams are the best part.
^ Is your butt still sore from last time? :lol: .... Go get a life, lame game.

anyway, I can tell you're the type of guy that probably puts his thumb up his ass when he hears those high pitched power metal screams.

High pitched screams (ok, the guitar riffs) are the best part of power metal.

Just because you don't like them doesn't entitle you to insult those who do. Stop acting like a whiney loser, it doesn't make you look cool.
Shut the fuck up you little faggots, all i did is state my opinion, i fucking dont like high pitched power metal screams. So what? .... And you guys have the nerves to call me whiny. Also, I just went to town on a 12 inch ebony meatpole.

Yeah, except that a rec thread is not exactly the most welcoming or appropriate place for your snark, the justification of which, in your case at least, probably amounts to no more than "it's gay."