Power Metal Stereotype #1: Dragons and Riding On

I don't give a rat's ass about lyrics most of the time... I ignore a lot of power metal because I think it's derivative, and I have a ton of cds already that sound as good as or better than most of it.

That said... Crimson Glory. ;)

I just started a wonderful bitchfest, didn't I? :lol:

I just wanted to find out how many songs or bands you guys could name! Not the thread I hoped it would turn out to be, I see...

Dream Evil: Chasing The Dragon

Dio: Killing The Dragon

Iced Earth: Dragon's Child

Metallica: Enter Sandman: "Dreams of war, dreams of liars, dreams of dragon's fire"

Cellador: No Chances Lost: "So ride on together til sunrise again, We ride on forever til the very end"

Go ahead. It's okay. You can laugh about your favorite metal here. It's all good in da hood.
AngraRULES said:
Calling Angra gay?
Wow, you clearly have no clue about their catalogue... LOL

You must be a Manowar fan...

I am a proud Manowarrior! HAIL, HAIL, HAIL and KILL!!!!

I personally don't care for Angra. Just funny that someone like yourself who obviously is a huge Angra fan would call Manowar gay (considering how "gay" Angra are.... j/k)....
AngraRULES said:
Calling Angra gay?
Wow, you clearly have no clue about their catalogue... LOL

You must be a Manowar fan...

I disagree... I have almost all of Angra's albums, and even *I* think their stuff is gay. :lol: (Mostly Angels Cry thru Fireworks.)

But so is Manowar's stuff, and I have almost all of their albums as well. :)
booB said:
I disagree... I have almost all of Angra's albums, and even *I* think their stuff is gay. :lol: (Mostly Angels Cry thru Fireworks.)

But so is Manowar's stuff, and I have almost all of their albums as well. :)

Fireworks might be the worst disc in my collection currently.
I have had that on my trade list for over 2 years and STILL no takers... :lol:
Power of the Dragonflame!!!! :D

Tears of the Dragon, by Bruce Dickinson.. that song RULES!!!!!

I think Rhapsody does it most though, lol

"Holy Dragons, keepers of time
Ride brave the blue skies and spell my eyes
Fly beyond these hills
Ride on the wind,
The Wisdom of the Kings"

Man, that song alone has both in one. :lol:
Empress said:
Power of the Dragonflame!!!! :D

Tears of the Dragon, by Bruce Dickinson.. that song RULES!!!!!

I think Rhapsody does it most though, lol

"Holy Dragons, keepers of time
Ride brave the blue skies and spell my eyes
Fly beyond these hills
Ride on the wind,
The Wisdom of the Kings"

Man, that song alone has both in one. :lol:

You gotta love a gal' who knows her RHAPSODY!!!!