Power Metal Stereotype #1: Dragons and Riding On

Empress said:
Power of the Dragonflame!!!! :D

Tears of the Dragon, by Bruce Dickinson.. that song RULES!!!!!

I think Rhapsody does it most though, lol

"Holy Dragons, keepers of time
Ride brave the blue skies and spell my eyes
Fly beyond these hills
Ride on the wind,
The Wisdom of the Kings"

Man, that song alone has both in one. :lol:

Empress said:
"Holy Dragons, keepers of time
Ride brave the blue skies and spell my eyes
Fly beyond these hills
Ride on the wind,
The Wisdom of the Kings"

Wow... I don't think I've ever been able to understand every word of an entire verse of a Rhapsody song (without looking in the booklet). :heh:
Empress said:
You rule, Milton!! :headbang: That live album is amazing!! :headbang: :kickass:

....and thanks....to you two others...... except that one comment..

I assume you mean my comment, and as I said, I was just jokin around.....
It was an easy a cheap joke......

BTW - The RHAPSODY live album is one of the best live albums ever. That's how all live albums should be. Just let the damn tape roll so we can hear everything.

I was hoping the bonus DVD would be more than a commercial for the upcoming DVD, but still cool!
Jasonic said:
BTW - The RHAPSODY live album is one of the best live albums ever. That's how all live albums should be. Just let the damn tape roll so we can hear everything.

I was hoping the bonus DVD would be more than a commercial for the upcoming DVD, but still cool!

At last, we agree on something! LOL :kickass:
General Zod said:
"Killing the Dragon" is a good CD. Better than most of what he's released since his glory years. However, I don't think I'd go so far as to call it "great".


I think it's a great CD Zod. I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to Dio's "glory" years as being, but to each his own.
Jasonic said:
I was hoping the bonus DVD would be more than a commercial for the upcoming DVD, but still cool!

I am extremely satisified with that commercial/preview DVD!! :D :D :D

Milton, Kiko wearing speedos does not sound gay to me at all. :p
Bryan316 said:

I just started a wonderful bitchfest, didn't I? :lol:

I just wanted to find out how many songs or bands you guys could name! Not the thread I hoped it would turn out to be, I see...

I think perhaps you inadvertently hit on a raw nerve when you ask fans of a genre to validate the criticisms directed at that genre by listing proof.
Empress is right that any genre has aspects that can be denegrated, but fans just don't want to hear it.
Though tongue in cheek Zod's "All of them" isn't far off when it come to some bands -Manowar, Rhapsody, Domine, Fairyland, Dream Evil, Iron Fire, Freedom Call, and Hammerfall etc. All good stuff, but way too many songs to list.

'Nuff said.
ragingsaxmachine said:
I don't believe Freedom Call ever did the dragon thing. It's mystical...but those flying lizards aint anywhere to be seen.
Ummm. Maybe no Dragons, but they do a lot of Riding.

Eternally, we're born to fight
Forever riding free

Riding high the final Race
We' ve never done before
Challenging our destiny
Brothers we are wild on the run

Riding on the wings of time
Glorious, sartorious
Wandering the rest of life

Peace in my mind, and I'm riding on the wind
Tell me why, tell me why I have tears in my eyes
Magius said:
Riding on the wings of time

I love this band, I really do. But :puke:

Their new album sucked though...Freedom Call shouldn't try to tackle real issues with their lyrics, just stick to the meaningless crap por favor. And no dragons. They aren't riding that much anymore I guess...