Power Metal Stereotype #1: Dragons and Riding On

ragingsaxmachine said:
I love this band, I really do. But :puke:

Their new album sucked though...Freedom Call shouldn't try to tackle real issues with their lyrics, just stick to the meaningless crap por favor. And no dragons. They aren't riding that much anymore I guess...

They're tackling real issues? I thought The Circle Of Life was about The Lion King! :heh:

Heh... I liked the album... there weren't as much speedier material on at as on their first 3, and I would have liked to hear more of that, but their incredible melodies (probably the main reason I listen to them) were as strong as ever.
ragingsaxmachine said:
I love this band, I really do. But :puke:

Their new album sucked though...Freedom Call shouldn't try to tackle real issues with their lyrics, just stick to the meaningless crap por favor. And no dragons. They aren't riding that much anymore I guess...

Their second best release IMO.
indeed, near every powermetal band has some mention of these especially if it's brought to as general as lyrics. a few that come to mind quick are

dream evil

i think the sterotype is stupid though. its assumed to be cheesy and just power chords with double bass. other than manowar (haha i love them) its usually more complicated than that am i right?


i better not hear anyone stereotype Blind Guardian like the do these bands :mad: ! they are much more than that! :headbang:

however specefic songs that come to mind (not all fit stereotype)
tears of the dragon- bruce dickinson! w00t! hes the man
dragon riders- wind wraith
dragonslayer- dream evil
dragondawn- dragonland
ride the dragon- manowar
dragons lair- saxon
dragons lair ^?- human fortress
dragon lies bleeding- hammerfall
AngraRULES said:
Freedom Call is as good as Manowar and Motorhead IMO.

Absolutely they are. Their new album just disappointed me, although admittedly it did have some great moments. Just wasn't as front to back awesome as the previous 3 were.

Just looked at the title. "Riding on." Now I realize their relevance to the thread. Before, while acting rather douche-edly, I was kinda wondering what the hell Freedom Call was doing in this thread.

The thing that matters is, most power metal kicks ass. Well...Freedom Call does anyway. We all seem to be able to agree on that at least.
ragingsaxmachine said:
Absolutely they are. Their new album just disappointed me, although admittedly it did have some great moments. Just wasn't as front to back awesome as the previous 3 were.

Just looked at the title. "Riding on." Now I realize their relevance to the thread. Before, while acting rather douche-edly, I was kinda wondering what the hell Freedom Call was doing in this thread.

The thing that matters is, most power metal kicks ass. Well...Freedom Call does anyway. We all seem to be able to agree on that at least.

Yeah, well.... to me Motorhead and Manowar are among the worst bands on Earth. With that being said.... LOL