Power Metal Vocal Processing


Mar 20, 2013
Hey everyone,

I am working on a power metal song and in a few days i'll be recording the vocals. I've never really done anything like this before so I was wondering if there was any tips I would need to keep in mind while recording them.

Is layering pretty much anything goes? Just take a bunch of takes and process them together or is there anything more to it? I'm not looking for earlier Blind Guardian layering but more of a Sonata Arctica type of layering.

Any processing tips for helping the voice stand out over the guitars and synths?

Here is kind of what I am going for.


Try to sing some of your backing takes in different voices/octaves than the main vocal - even if you aren't doing harmonies, it'll thicken up the chorus effect and sound less like one person singing all of the takes.
thanks! I was considering being one of the layers in the chorus even tho my singing is god awful. :) But how many vocal tracks are we talking about here?

I was thinking I was just going to pile the tracks onto each other until they sound right then bounce them all to one track and keep the lead vocals on top of them. Then automate the lead vocals to be more inside the layered ones during the chorus. Anything else you would consider?