Power of Omens has to be part of PPUSA 4


Feb 11, 2002
Seems obvious to me that Power of Omens should be a PPUSA 4 band. They were part of PPUSA 1, and have attended PPUSA each of the last two years. I heard a lot of people talking about PoA this year, as well. So how about it?
Originally posted by nightwish58
When is their new album coming out???

The official release date will be January 7th (We'll make an official announcement in the next couple of days) However, anyone that has pre-ordered or that will pre-order the CD will have it shipped by mid-December (As soon as we get them back from the pressing plant)


Originally posted by rgbeach
Seems obvious to me that Power of Omens should be a PPUSA 4 band. They were part of PPUSA 1, and have attended PPUSA each of the last two years. I heard a lot of people talking about PoA this year, as well. So how about it?

Heya Bob!!!

Thanks so much for the support!!!! We're definitely game if enough people want to see us there ;)

...and well, if we get the invite...heheheh :D


I don't hate you at all. I have only heard brief clips of your music. However, there are more than 10 bands who I can think of, who I'd prefer to see more. Regardless, good luck with your music.

Originally posted by General Zod

I don't hate you at all. I have only heard brief clips of your music. However, there are more than 10 bands who I can think of, who I'd prefer to see more. Regardless, good luck with your music.


Hey there GZ,

Thanks for the well wishes...I think the reaction about those hating us was just assummed off of the "God I hope Not" and the "Oh God No" remarks (they just seemed to be strong remarks)...we have nothing against people who are not into what we do, and completely respect everyone's decision as well as their favs for ProgPower. We've always welcomed good as well as bad comments about the band...it's no biggie ;)

I personally know that there are quite a few people who would not want to see us again, but then again, we also have a strong fan-base that would...to each their own. :)

Hey Dave and Alex,

I KNOW the new CD is amazing and I would be so happy to see you guys play PP again! You have my support always!

Originally posted by Valkyrie
Hey Dave and Alex,

I KNOW the new CD is amazing and I would be so happy to see you guys play PP again! You have my support always!


Thanks Shell!!!!

It was so good seeing you again this past weekend. Whether we play or not, I'll definitely be at next years event, and hope to see you there again. :)

I missed seeing you guys for the most part at PPUSA 1.0. No, I was at the show, but even so, I could barely see from the back!

Anyway, I hope you guys get a slot, as there are very few chances to see you guys for most of us, and there is a loyal fanbase out there (not huge, but loyal).

Guess I better go pre-order that disc! I don't want to wait any more than nec...
