Power Quest - Live at the Underworld (Bootleg Release)

If you ever upload this entire DVD to YouTube(not just one song from it), I'll gladly watch it. I tend to enjoy recorded music more than watch a live show but this one's definitely an exciting one I think. But yeah I watched that Far Away and it was really good.
Sorry Dom, I've been pretty busy lately and am struggling to find time to produce the next batch of DVDs. I'm looking to book some time off soon though, so will get them done then. Rest assured, your name is top of the list.
Hi everyone,

So, it's been quite a while since the first seven 'Live at the Underworld' DVDs went out to the world and I haven't provided much of an update since.... with the troubles encountered with ebay and various production difficulties it has taken a long time to produce any more of the DVD.

A few weeks ago I dedicated a few days to creating another batch - I had 10 more discs ready and just needed to print covers and labels. That is when my printer of over 10 years decided it didn't want to live anymore and gave up printing black. It's such an old model that repairs/replacements just weren't justifiable, so a new printer was needed. I'm glad to say I now have a new printer and will be getting the production process back in action!

Just a little while longer and those of you that are still interested in the DVD will once again have the chance to grab a copy.

Thanks for your patience - it's been a long and expensive journey, but definitely a worthwhile one.