Power Quest perform for Werewolves!!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
From my friend Mary in the US....whose friend Rusty had novel published recently.

Hi Steve,
I couldn't find your email address. So, I am posting the chapter that PQ is in in Moonwarriors: Guardian's Of The Night as a few comments because it doesn't fit in just one. I hope you like it.
Best Wishes,
Chapter Twenty - Nine

The hum of the amplifiers filled the air as a crowd of thousands gathered before the stage. Stytentos had arranged for the celebration to include a concert. It had turned out that Power Quest were indeed available, and they agreed to play though they seemed a bit trepedatious about being around so many werewolves. Mary had assured them that nothing would happen to them and that they would be perfectly safe.
Steve Williams, keyboardist and one of the founding members of the band stood off to the side of the stage with Mary, Walter, and Stytentos. He stared out at the growing numbers of people then turned to Mary.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked, British accent thick with worry.
She let out a slight laugh.
“Yes. You’ll be perfectly fine. Look, no one is going to hurt any of you guys, I’ll personally kick their ass, okay? Besides, they like your music.”
“They do?”
“Yes,” she replied.
He smiled.
“Okay then. I’d better get ready with the rest of the guys.”
He left the stage and headed toward the large tour bus parked at the base of the mountain. Beside it, sat Wolf’s bus.
Walter turned to her and said, “The things we have to do to see a concert. I can’t believe we had to save the world to see a show.”
She laughed.
“Yeah, and we get to be backstage!”
The stage had been constructed by both roadies and werewolves after the funeral ceremonies for the fallen warriors and now it was almost time. When word got out of the victory concert, several citizens from the towns below had showed up to join in the festivities. No one seemed to mind and Mary’s motto was the more the merrier.
As they watched the numbers of metalhead humans and wolves continue to grow exponentially, Vilaria ran up to them.
“We need all of you for a picture,” she said breathlessly.
“What? Now?” Mary asked her incredulously.
“Yes! Now, come on!”
She lead her sister by the hand toward Shambala, Walter and Stytentos on their heels. For the concert, Mary had worn a black longsleeve shirt with the Wolf logo on the front, a lace collar around the neckline, blue jeans and black boots.
Walter had worn a black, long sleeve shirt with the Power Quest logo emblazoned across the front, black jeans and boots.
Stytentos wore simple jeans and a red shirt with sneakers. Vilaria lead them to an area that contained old stonework for a path that had never been finished. Standing there was Raven, Golarin, Faria, and Sandy. Above them, on a high embankment sat Brent and Bordak.
“Well, the gang’s all here!” Bordak quipped humorously.
“Looks like it,” Walter replied with a laugh.
As one of the band’s roadies walked by, Vilaria grabbed his arm and placed her digital camera in his hand.
“Hey, can you take our picture?” she asked sweetly.
“Er, sure,” he replied as Bordak lifted her on to the embankment.
He waited while everyone got into position, then said, “Say cheese!”
Instead, everyone posed in their own way for the photo and with a click it was over.
Vilaria leapt from atop the embankment and took her camera.
“Thanks,” she said.
“No problem,” he replied as he walked away.
Walter spotted the members of Wolf heading for the stage.
“We’d better go, the show’s about to start.”
“Yeah,” she agreed.
They headed for their spot off to the side in the darkness, accompanied by their comrades. Their family.
Brent came up to Mary and asked, “Are these guys any good?”
“They’re the best. You’ll see!”
His look told her that he didn’t believe her but he turned in time to see the lights go down. The crowd roared in approval as lighters flicked on in the darkness and the air became thick with the pungent aroma of joints being lit.
Stytentos patted Walter on the shoulder, so he turned to see what he wanted. He passed a joint to him and Walter took it, hittiing it then passing it to Mary. He was having a great time. He asked him where he got it from. Stytentos smiled and pointed at Brent, who was lighting up two more and passing it to Bordak and Sandy.
Within a few moments, Walter was standing there with a big, idiotic grin on his face, his eyes mere slits, as was everyone else’s.
Suddenly, the drums kicked in, followed by the guitars and bass, sending a heavy, pulsing rhythm of melodic music through the dark forest and down the mountain side. Wolf had started the show with the song Moonlight, one of Mary and Walter’s favorites.
The extremely stoned warriors stood happily in the dark, moving to the powerful music that cascaded over the thousands in the audience, bobbing their heads in time to the beat, tapping their feet, or in Bordak’s case, gyrating like he lost his mind.
Brent turned to Mary and yelled into her ear, “These guys are awesome!”
She smiled smugly and yelled back, “I told you so!”
Once the song ended, Niklas (Viper) spoke into the mic, saying, “Good evening brothers! How is everyone tonight?”
The crowd roared back with delight, some even howling.
“That’s good!” he told them. Then he said, “This next song is just for all of us Lycanthrope. It’s called Wolf’s Blood.”
The crowd roared in delight as the sound of a distorted guitar playing power chords permeated the air. Once the rest of the band joined in, the entire audience went wild, dancing where they stood. Several males had females sitting on their shoulders.
Walter stood there in the dark among his friends, feeling eurphoric.
Life was good for him finally. He had been through so much in the last few months. But now it was his favorite time of year, just before Christmas when it was crisp and cold. He breathed deeply. He was content.
An hour and a half later, they were finished. The lights went out as they exited and Power Quest took the stage. As Wolf made their way passed them, Mary grabbed and hugged each one, thanking them for staying around to play.
Viper smiled.
“We won, so it was our celebration too.”
“It sure was,” she told him with a smile.
They disappeared into the dark where their bus sat waiting.
As she turned back to see the show, it began with a fast, melodic number that had the crowd jumping up and down in a frenzy.
When that song ended, Alessio Garavello spoke into the mic, “This is for all the warriors out there. It’s called Glory Tonight!”
The crowd whistled, applauded and hooted. When the song ended and they all began singing the acapella beginning to a song entitled Far Away, the audience’s response was an overwhelming roar of pleasure.
Stytentos turned to Mary, yelling, “These guys are really good too! Really good!”
“I know,” she yelled in reply, “that’s why I wanted them to play!”
The audience was rocking out to the powerful, melodic music that filled the air with it’s soul stirring sound.With each song, the crowd screamed and hollered its pleasure as thousands of stoned werewolves and several hundred humans swayed around, some even dancing together.