Power Quest: The Journey into Manhood


Glorious Imperator
Oct 16, 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
This is too good not to share. Stumbled across this while browsing play.com for Power Quest stuff. We already knew that power metal strengthens unity and brotherhood and whatnot, but that Power Quest so slyly had a part in all this never became more evident. :lol:


What advice, pray tell, (except for More Pasta For More Power!) may be hiding within? :yow:
Well, the book came out in 1990.
That's what I was hinting at with my response since Carol Batdorf is a known children's book author, but I guess most people like Noam wouldn't know that. :lol:

That book is part of a series, Love Quest, Spirit Quest, Power Quest, etc..

Well I've often asked what I was doing back in the day.....LOL!
Posing for children's book covers? ;) :D