POWERFEST 2009: NOVEMBERS DOOM Acoustic Set Added!!

Oh geez!! :rolleyes: Don't give yourself that much credit!! Although...how typical of you! :Smug:

We've talked about Suidakra for years!! Before you even started hanging out on our board!! After booking Paganfest, the timing for them seemed right.

Also, the credit for the acoustic idea should actually go to Will Bozarth...he appraoched me months ago about doing an acoustic set. Also, I don't even remember you saying anything last year about it...and not much other than bitching about how much our lineup sucked! And Turisas...what a stretch!

What may have been more appropriate and cooler for you to say maybe is something like great minds think alike...haha...but if you want to pat yourself on the back, go ahead! And sorry, I keep forgetting you invented the internet too! :lol:

If you actually look in the Powerfest board archives....I suggested it about 5 months before announcements were made....when you challenged me to make a line up to see if it was economically viable. Which mine actually was. Dont forget who my headliner was too. We shall keep that one secret.

Actually great minds do think a like. You moved Nov Doom set to saturday for me so I wouldnt have to use a vacation day to see them on friday...which I will be forever in debted to you for. (well not really).

I am glad you are enjoying the internet. I made a pretty penny for it. Have you also seen the telephone, car, and hamburgers I also invented. pretty sweet.

In all seriousness....I think it is brilliant with having the lounge area. Not to avoid bands and such but for a change of scenery and stuff. Plus it will be easier to talk to people without having to yell. Last year I spent most of the time having to yell into people ears. I havent been in Capones yet. (really hoping the Tyr show doesnt get moved there) Like Jason said....what is the limit there. I would not want to be the band to be playing against them. I am glad at these changes...it seems much more like a fest and these changes are moving it in a great direction. Should be interesting. I am now officially excited.
I don't think you have to worry about a shitload of people cramming into Capones for our acoustic set, lol. As nice as it would be, I don't see that happening. But I'm looking forward to having a good crowd of fans, friends, and curious onlookers regardless. I think it's gonna be pretty cool.

"Rain" wouldn't be very effective on acoustic, trust me! Plus we're almost certainly doing that in our main electric set. I'd like to do songs during the acoustic set that we aren't doing during the electric set.
congratulations guys, on being able to realize your wish at a better place then you would have hoped for a couple of months ago :)

We'll call this the trial acoustic show. We still plan to do a full set of acoustic material, and hopefully film it for a DVD release in the future. We decided to do this at Powerfest to help out the fest, and make our appearance a bit more special, and hopefully make the decision easier to come see us. It's going to be a great time!
Actually, if you Google the name "Larry Roberts", you'll find information on one of the creators of the internet. So there you go. It 'twas I. LOL

I am always scared to google my name....there is a movie SFX effects guy and I think a poet.

I seriously think that Capones will be packed for you guys. People that were not inclined to go to the show are now coming in for it. It was a great move and hopefully this will start a new tradition with having a second smaller stage for odd and different performances. I literally think that you will be playing to more people than Sheephead. Most of the out of towners that I have seen talk about the fest have said this was the reason why they are now coming in. You guys should be proud.
Sorry for the stupid question..........

Is Capones literally connected to the Pearl Room?
Do you have to exit the building to get there?
Will there be wristbands, etc?
Just curious how this will work.

I am sure it will be explained.
Sorry for the stupid question..........

Is Capones literally connected to the Pearl Room?
Do you have to exit the building to get there?
Will there be wristbands, etc?
Just curious how this will work.

I am sure it will be explained.

Literally connected...with doors and everything. :p No need to go outside.
I've been completely silent on Powerfest so far this year for a couple of reasons. Mostly I've been silent on *everything* since I've had some health issues going on since the start of the year and haven't felt much like posting anywhere. But also, I just haven't been all that excited about the information so far. When I thought that Mindwarp Chamber and Novembers Doom would be on Friday, I figured that as long as I was feeling better by then, I'd at least come out for the early part of Friday. Then when I read the lineup that had MWC on Friday and ND on Saturday, I thought "oh well".

But the news about the acoustic set just might get me there even if I still feel like crap! I can drag myself into Capone's, hang for an acoustic set, and then drag myself back home again. That still leaves Friday up in the air, but whether I can catch MWC depends on how I feel in two months.

I've been completely silent on Powerfest so far this year for a couple of reasons. Mostly I've been silent on *everything* since I've had some health issues going on since the start of the year and haven't felt much like posting anywhere. But also, I just haven't been all that excited about the information so far. When I thought that Mindwarp Chamber and Novembers Doom would be on Friday, I figured that as long as I was feeling better by then, I'd at least come out for the early part of Friday. Then when I read the lineup that had MWC on Friday and ND on Saturday, I thought "oh well".

But the news about the acoustic set just might get me there even if I still feel like crap! I can drag myself into Capone's, hang for an acoustic set, and then drag myself back home again. That still leaves Friday up in the air, but whether I can catch MWC depends on how I feel in two months.


I was wondering where you have ben. Hope all is well and you get better soon. see you at Powerfest on saturday.
Enjoy it everyone,

I was there in Antwerp in Nov 2007 and enjoyed every minute of it.
Just amazing. It was very cool and relaxed.
Pitty it wasn't on the DVD, but we know why.
this might be a spoiler but, would you be willing to give a hint as to if you will be playing songs that are intended to be played on acoustic, or will some of the songs be "heavier" songs that you convert onto acoustic for the set?
I havent looked at the other acoustic setlist so i don't really know what to expect