Powerfest 2009 Reviews


\m/ \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Suburbs of Chicago
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Well, since I am home early today and can get on the interwebs, I thought it was time to post of the events of the past weekend. Feel free to contribute!

First and foremost, thanks to CRJ for putting on another great weekend chocked full of metal. I'm proud to have been a sponsor of it for the past three years and counting. The heart and soul that you guys put into CPF will always get respect from me.

The first night, Paganfest, was a blast. I really did enjoy all of the bands...especially Moonsorrow and Primordial. A few of my favorite pics from the Primordial set (you're welcome, Harley ;-) ):





Alan is quite photogenic. o_O

More can be viewed on my MySpace from Paganfest. Unfortunately it was the only night I got to take live pics. Security were bastards with the flash starting on Friday, so I gave up. Was not in the fighting mood. ;) The ridiculousness that went on with the set times on the mainstage pissed me off as well as a bunch of others...but this was not at the fault of the promotors, of course. That caused me to miss both Will Bozarth and Earthen Grave on the Capone's acoustic stage. Shnazzit! I did catch Sacred Dawn, who put on an awesome acoustic set. I'd never heard them like that before. They busted out Opeth for fuck's sake! :headbang: For those that weren't there or missed it, it was "Harvest". Totally wasn't expecting that. The new tunes sounded great as well. I did dig Lost in Blue (the BuzzNEWS winners), but yes, they are in definite need of a vocalist. I loved the time that Mindwarp Chamber DID have on stage and Assailant along with the mighty Kiuas definitely kicked my ass into the next state. I've never been into Dope, but I did watch for a few tunes. I really dig Black Label, but Zakk's wankery was the most I had ever heard. It did grow tiresome, and I'm sure a lot of folks would agree.

Saturday had a lot of high points for me as well. I got smart and remembered to pop my mini-schedule of the set times in my pocket. I think Diamond Plate wiped the whole fucking floor with their old school death metal assault. What amazes me the most is that they're so young. Those boys have a bright future if they play their cards right.

I was totally stoked to see Gwynbleidd on the acoustic stage. These guys found me on MySpace over a year ago and I was instantly hooked. It was a bit bizarre for me to hear them acoustically though for the first time. I hope they come back and plug it in soon.

I always love Luna Mortis. 'Nuff said. Sheephead was better on disc for me. I dunno if it was the sound or what, but that vocalist was killing it for me. Next up was Novembers Doom acoustic style. I was mesmerized, despite their sound issues. As I stated on their forum earlier in the week...at least they can laugh at it! ND killed it plugged in on the main stage about an hour later as well. The new tune that they busted out, "Lazarus" was an aural orgasm. I am freakishly looking forward to the new release from them in July.

Perzonal War was even better than I expected live. Wow! I'm not a Soil fan anymore, so I only watched a few tunes from them. Sorry. To round up the weekend, Devildriver hit the stage. I've seen this band live before and KNOW that they kill it, so I was prepared for nothing less. I have the utmost admiration for vocalist Dez, because you can just tell he fucking loves it...he loves the songs, he loves the fucking fans. The only criticism I have is the "circle pit". I actually ran upstairs to get a good view and it was nowhere NEAR the caliber of what I had seen at past shows! Now, I don't participate, and I am not an advocate of getting hurt or kicking the crap out of people, but when a DD circle is in full force and nobody falls? ....it is a sight worth seeing. I feed off of that energy...guess that's the masochist coming out in me. :p

OKAY. Moving forward to the rest of the debauchery. Big thanks to Rick and Annie for puttin' on the after parties! You guys took some of the pressure off of me this year, seriously. It was my first CPF of not having a roommate...which meant no help in monitoring folks or help in clean up. Bless you! I had just enough trouble trying to keep up with the daily/nightly partiers I DID have. Hey Annie, you can thank me for returning John's "Knob"...it was long overdue after he left it in my room at Midwest Metal Anthem last year. That stuff is fucking EVIL! I think one of the most memorable moments for me was on Friday at the after-party. I walked back in the room to get the hugest complimentary SPEECH from Ilja of Kiuas on my cookies that I had brought. It was classic! I'm sorry if you and Rick didn't get any of my culinary genius. ;)

Last but not least, some people pics:

Me and some mysterious hat that was found during Paganfest

Vito of Novembers Doom, me and our buddy Geo

Me and Jose (Saladbar)

Me and John (Deadheart)


John (Deadheart) and Jose (Saladbar)

Me, our buddy Dan and Amber (MetalSpice)

Last but not least, the new Powerfest Mascot. Mr. Turtle was found and placed in a Super 8 bathtub. I hope he got back home.

Here's to 2010! \m/\m/
Crap! I forgot about Zak the turtle LOL
Hey Rachel!! No kidding that Knob is eeeeevil!! I took a shot and almost burned my throat off LOL!! Then for some reason it came wandering back to me and I took another swig, and either I was feeling no pain, or my throat was still numb from the last shot, that it actually tasted good!
As for your cookies, they looked awesome!! Thanks for bringing them, but unfortunately by the time the container got to me they were all gone :( Next time your going to have to bake in bulk!! We'll bring the chips and you bring the cookies:worship:
And really cool pics!! :headbang::kickass: