My review of Powerfest (cross post)

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
okay well Friday was unbeilevable!!!!!!!!!! Biomechanical stole the show easily!!!! I couldnt fucking believe how awesome they were, but unfornately they didnt play disintegration which is my fav track. I did talk with John, the singer, and he said they didnt bring their seven string guitars so they couldnt.

Withering Soul was ridiculous Black Metal is so funny to me. I dont really know what it is about it I just find the over the top BM to be really funny. The music wasnt very good though.

Gracepoint was awesome I was very surprised by them well because I couldnt find any info about them at all anywhere. Their can best be described as Train of Thought era Dream Theater.

Agent Steel was also awesome. They seriously played some of the best solos I have ever heard. But I would hate to be the older guitar player because he has to compete against the asian guy who was fucking amazing good jesus.

I didnt stay for Eldritch because well I was very tired from walking around all over downtown Chicago the previous day. According to what I heard from everyone else that it was too hard to follow Biomechanical so it was kind of hard to judge them.

Mirrorblack I enjoyed though I didnt find them anything extra special, sorry Matt Lee when and if you read this.

Twelfth Gate I also thought was great. I thought the singer did a just fine job. I also thought they came off a lot heavier in concert than on cd.

Nocturnal Rites gave the second best appearance of the weekend to Biomechanical. They played pretty much any song you could have wanted to hear them play. I was getting a little disappointed towards the end of the set because I didnt know if they were going to play "Cuts Like A Knife" my fav track. however they came through in the end playing it third to last and I was fucking drunk and fucking pumped up it was awesome.

Okay it was at this point I have technical difficulites. The previous day I didnt pre drink due to my friends band practice because it was at a member's parents house. So the second day my friend I dare you to be the drunkest person at Powerfest tonight, so I preceded to start drinking at 330 in the afternoon and I was already drunk when I got there. I also brought a bottle of Southern Comfort in the car so in between bands shots were taken. Basically I got way too drunk and we still had a 40 minute drive to Joliet to go and I had an early flight, so I went home. I really wanted to stay, but I just couldnt do it. I am pretty pissed off at myself, but I did think that I was probably the drunkest person there. My only question is where's my trophy?!?! LMAO!!

It was also nice to finally meet Regor, TammyZ, and Bryan 316. I also talked with J-dubya who said it was our first meeting, but clearly he forgot PP 6 but its all right we talked only briefly then. I also got to meet SwordLord who was ultra funny and possibly the nicest guy I have ever met. Then just as I was leaving I met booB who called me pussy for leaving, which I thought was pretty funny. Then I thought I saw General Zod, but I wasnt sure if it was him so I stayed away. Did you wear a Primordial shirt on Friday?

By the way of the people mentioned, do you think I deserve my award? Also Tammy what the hell was that pineapple drink you had me try? Sorry for the length. I will repost a more detailed one in the next 2 weeks for Metal Temple (see below).