Powerglove - Total Pwnage EP


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Powerglove – Total Pwnage EP
Self-Released – 2005
By Jason Jordan


While not a trend because it’s often well-conceived and well-done, the form of music known as “videogame metal” is only gaining in popularity. Massachusetts-based Powerglove are yet another outfit exploring past Nintendo eras, morphing electronic beeps and blips into full-on metal tunes, and are also one of the finest examples of this newfound subgenre. Similar to Minibosses, Entertainment System, Armcannon, and a host of others, the Total Pwnage EP evidences a band willing to invest in a niche that some would say isn’t going anywhere. After all, no matter how good the music is, the success of videogame metal hinges almost entirely on nostalgia.

Frankly, however, I’m thrilled with what Powerglove are doing. Posing as a PlayStation 2 game, the packaging of Total Pwnage EP is top-notch, and the tracks were culled from games such as Tetris, F-Zero, Final Fantasy VII, and Mega Man X. My favorites are, of course, the songs that I remember listening to a million times during my extensive videogame-playing history – “Themes B and C” (Tetris), “Birth of a God” (Final Fantasy VII), and “Storm Eagle” (Mega Man X). Clocking in at roughly 22 minutes, the EP presents seven tracks total.

So on the whole Total Pwnage EP is definitely worth pwning for numerous reasons. Nintendo junkies will undoubtedly appreciate the transformations that Powerglove have imposed upon several of the finest tunes from videogame days gone by, as will those who require distortion and loudness to glean any sort of enjoyment. It’s true the production could use some tinkering – the length is bittersweet, too – but these guys have something special on their hands, and it ain’t a PowerGlove.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Powerglove Website
Official Powerglove MySpace Website
Aw dang this is going on my to-do list right now... I love this kind of stuff. My music has a video-game influence but it's not video game metal at all, just has that kind of majestic vibe and some keyboard arrangements that sound Nobuo-ish. :)

I haven't checked the other ones out that you listed either, I'll have to put them on the list as well!
Hehe seriously, I heard a few songs from their MySpace page, the stuff is actually pretty great! I would have liked to hear the Final Fantasy VII cover though, it's not featured. I might have to bum this promo off of you, Jason! Or maybe find a place to get my hands on my own copy... :(