PP USA VIII: Final Band confirmed

Sigh. How do I know? Because I and most people know how lyrics are credited. All lyric sites credit the writer, not the singer. Look at your own link. Lione sings every song on that disc, so why are Turilli / Staropoli give credits for the songs? Lione's name appears nowhere.

Secondly, have you ever spoken to Alex Staropoli? I have. Only once and only briefly, but I can tell you that ain't his voice!

Third, I don't have a clue what "CD selling site" you're citing as "proof." I gave you the credits right from 3 Rhapsody CD liners. If you disagree with the credits the band listed I suggest you take it up with them or their management. I'm sure they'd appreciate you setting the record straight for them. :rolleyes:

Oh wow didnt even notice that =/ lol.

Well to be fair, not every person sounds the same as when they sing and talk.

And lame tone one ur 3rd point, the CD selling website had credits for all the vocals on the albums and Jay Lansford was only listed on Rain. Rhapsody of Fire's website doesn't even have all their albums anyways.
Looks like they're planning a full tour ;)

But then again, if ProgPower will be their first show in the US, they will only have some 15 days to make that "tour". On the 20th of October they play "Metal Female Voices Fest"
Check out Floor's outfit in this one .. pretty revealing, although it could make Mr. Blackwell's list of worst outfits.

Yowza! I can hear Glenn scrambling to add some costume guidlines to the AF contract (e.g. you can wear the full body lace outfit, but not with the undergarments, or, you can wear the undergarments, but without the full body lace outfit). :goggly: ;)