PQ website


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
As always....a new album will lead to a new look website. This time I wanted to take a slightly different approach and hear from you guys what YOU would like PQ HQ to look like.

For example.....

Do you like the "flash" based current design?

Would you prefer a less graphically intensive style site?

What are we missing in terms of content? How would you like the history of the band reflected?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts guys!
Just having had a quick look about the Website again, one thing that would be cool would be to have a few tracks or samples of tracks available for listening via the website.

Would be good for those checking out Power Quest who have never or seldom heard any of the material.
Firstly, great idea and as always much gratitude for thinking of the fans, Steve! We can always count on you for that :worship:

Off the top of my head and personal to my browsing experience:

I don't like it when band websites blah music at you automatically. By all means have an embedded music player but give visitors the option to initiate playback.

I also don't see the need for a splash page where you click enter to get to the main site and flash intros are dated and a nuisance for regular visitors.

A big one for me is the way flash/php dependent sites won't let me open links in a new tab (the current site is somewhat guilty of this). Tabbed browsing is the norm now and I'm always holding ctrl + clicking (scrollwheel clicking) links to open tabs I plan to look at soon.

As for content. I don't think you can have too much information (extensive biographies, discography) or pictures. People will want to look up stuff about albums (cover artist, special guests, production staff, release dates, track lengths, etc etc), the band history, equipment and past tours. Basically give them everything because it's not likely going to be online anywhere else!

For pictures I think it's good to have sub-sections dedicated to member pics, the whole band pics, individual gig/tour pics, etc and have them as thumbnails which can expand (nothing worse than a small low res pic you can't enlarge) into high-res pics. And let them be right-clickable so people can download the image for their desktops. Or else perhaps an option to download entire sections as a zip/rar file would be handy. Speaking of downloads I think it's still good to have previews/teaser tracks as downloadable mp3s rather than relying on people being redirected to YouTube or MySpace or slow tempamental flash players.

Another suggestion which I would put a lot of support behind is....dun dun dun duuuuh...PODCASTS! I think the PQcast/PodQuest should return and have it hosted on the site or redirect to iTunes because it's a great way to publicise the band and easier to relay information and show behind the scenes insights into album production, song writing, tours etc.

Anyway I'm rambling, sorry! To answer the first two questions directly - flash based/graphical intensity is good at the level it is right now except it'd be nice to incorporate some of the stuff above.
Pretty much Dom's post, put up a short biography but put a link to a longer bio, such as wikipedia or encyclopedia metallum or however you spell it! Maybe put up some songs for listening or maybe do a download, nothing much but maybe a few samples from each album to give new listeners a chance to get addicted! Also I very much like the idea Avantasia had for a "backstage" section, this section could contain little updates from the band about upcoming events, working or meeting other famous musicians, award nominations and awards that you all hopefully win, even special merch offers. Just cool little things you can sign up to receive. Basically incorporate everything myspace had into this site as myspace is dead now
Thanks for the feedback guys! As ever, I really appreciate the input and the time taken to do it.

On the subject of Myspace.......is it actually worth revamping the Myspace page(s) to go along with a website update? What do you reckon?
Agree with most of the points made, certainly share Dom's opinion that when you get "forced" to hear a song or sample of a song as soon as you get on the site that's a bit annoying.

To be honest, I'm not sure if Myspace still has the impact it used to. If it doesn't then the point of possibly incorporating anything from there to the main website and not bothering with Myspace may be worth looking into.

If you keep the Myspace page going, only thing I'd look at changing (other than possibly the background once the new album's released) is the font. Just looks a tad lame.
Maybe interlink the site with other applications/sites... seems to be the way these days; You 'like' this on facebook, or share it somewhere else to have as many link-backs to the site as possible. So when you do news updates you could include a button that says 'share' or 'like' etc. i've seen a few sites go that way recently... I guess if the people don't come to you directly, you get others to post 'where the action is'
Maybe interlink the site with other applications/sites... seems to be the way these days; You 'like' this on facebook, or share it somewhere else to have as many link-backs to the site as possible. So when you do news updates you could include a button that says 'share' or 'like' etc. i've seen a few sites go that way recently... I guess if the people don't come to you directly, you get others to post 'where the action is'

Agree with Dom in the most part

As for Myspace, keep it updated but nothing too fancy. Get directed there for info for most bands and it causes all sorts of problems for my aging computer. Same with slow loading flash intros, which always get skipped whether its first visit or one of many frequent visits

Really the main website and this forum should be the main areas to direct people for any Quest news
Thanks for the feedback guys! As ever, I really appreciate the input and the time taken to do it.

On the subject of Myspace.......is it actually worth revamping the Myspace page(s) to go along with a website update? What do you reckon?

I would say you should revamp it, just update the pictures and info and add a link to these forums and facebook or any other sites you have. The site is about dead but you might as well have all the PQ sites current and linked to one another. Maybe upload a new song or sample to top it off. Its not going to get a ton of attention but many bands still use it for music hosting, why I do not know.