Practice amp suggestions?


Just another nobody
Feb 17, 2009
I'm looking for a good metal amp that doesn't need to be blistering loud to sound good. I'm not in a band so I don't need anything that can compete with a drummer, but instead want something for bedroom and studio play. I've tried lots of different amps, but they are either terrible or insanely loud.

Is there any amp that you think would fit the bill? What about sub $500?
I used to use a Crate V32 1x12 combo along with a distortion pedal (a modded Metalzone) and I thought it was the best sounding practice setup. The V32 is a very warm sounding tube amp so it sounded great with the metalzone. I sold the whole setup when I got an AxeFx but now I miss the old combo.
Roland Cube 30X without a doubt; personally, for a practice amp I prefer some built-in FX and the solid-state benefits of instant-on and lighter weight, and the Cube sounds much better than any comparable Line 6, Vox, Marshall, etc.

However, while I haven't really played one, I've heard the Peavey Vypyrs are good too - I'd vote trying to find a store that has both, and comparing
I've heard the Peavey Vypyrs are good too
I've got a Vypyr 30. They're alright. Haven't really compared it to a Roland Cube directly, but I think runnig my POD into it's aux input sounds much better than the Vypyr's preamp.

I think I'd personally recommend the Peavey Bandit over the Vypyr.

I did this quick video of my sloppy playing through the Vypyr a while ago.

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Roland Cube 30X without a doubt; personally, for a practice amp I prefer some built-in FX and the solid-state benefits of instant-on and lighter weight, and the Cube sounds much better than any comparable Line 6, Vox, Marshall, etc.

However, while I haven't really played one, I've heard the Peavey Vypyrs are good too - I'd vote trying to find a store that has both, and comparing

Vypyr kicks the Cube's ass.
Its definitely the best sounding amp with built in effects i have heard.

Still, for a practice amp i prefer something that responds well, has good dynamics and NO effects at all.
I though the purpose of a practice amp was practicing? Why cloud it up with effects then? ;)