Practice Spaces


Mar 31, 2007
Kearney, NE
So here's my deal:

I live in fucking nowhere Nebraska and we finally got the cops called on us enough times to where we're not able to practice in my home anymore. :erk:

I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue. Anybody got any suggestions on what we can do? I've thought about renting a storage unit and just doing things that way, but I gets fucking cold here this time of year and I don't want to do any damage to the equipment, (they're glorified garages...)

That, and as soon as the storage unit owner guy hears why we want to rent, he's no longer cool with the idea. :mad:

Fuckin small towns.....
Certainly not the cheapest option, but after being in a band about a year ago with a drummer who owned a cheap but solid V-drum kit, well - needless to say, I plan on buying one eventually so I know that whatever drummer I'm playing with will always have access to one. So if you all don't have the money, maybe someone else can suggest another option, but I think going all-electronic is the best bet.
Some, for whatever reason, just don't like the feel of it. But some also still think it will sound like crappy eighties midi-synth sounds.

I hate to say it but they still do. I tried all kits, the td-20, roland's flagship kit feels like shit. Especially mesh drums are shit. :lol: I'm sorry but guitarists dont have this problem so its not like they could understand the depth of this issue.

Real drums > any electronic crap that tries to substitute real drums (alternative sounds are cool)
Well come on now, who the hell cares about how they sound if it makes practicing easier/possible? Pickiness needs to have its limits...
Yeah, it's not like we guitar player dudes and dudettes are obsessed with things like tone and gear... :lol:

NO SHIT! I swear, if the other guitarist thinks he is not having his Rawk God TONE, then our whole practice almost goes to hell because he's not "feeling" it.

As stupid as it sounds, if anyone's not comfortable with what their bangin on, then nothing is gonna get accomplished.
I think everyone that's ever been in a band has experienced that. You're just feeling way more comfortable if it sounds good. Some days it just seems like you're getting tons of feedback or shitty tones out of nowhere. It gives you the fuckin' creeps!
The point is: it's better if a drummer plays on a real drum instead of a roland/yamaha e-drum kit!
I bet a not so well trained drummer who's so used to play on an edrum will play like shit on a real kit!
It's all about consistency!
a real drum kit will show you if your drummer is good enough to play a live show!
If only we had a parent's basement to play in!

We live in a major college town right next to campus. So we get to put up with the parties at 4am, but God forbid if I turn my amp past 2 during dead week.
I have the pigs at my door so quick, you'd think I was frying donuts! :bah:
If only we had a parent's basement to play in!

We live in a major college town right next to campus. So we get to put up with the parties at 4am, but God forbid if I turn my amp past 2 during dead week.
I have the pigs at my door so quick, you'd think I was frying donuts! :bah:

If you live in a major college town then I'm pretty sure there must be a shitload of bands around. Ever considered or asked to crash into one of their places?

We had been searching a long time when we lost our last rehearsal space, too. But eventually we found this awesome building at the end of a nearby town and now it's loaded with bands. We pay 15€ a month each member (about 23$), so it's basically an awesome deal.

But all that crap almost lead to the demise of our band.
hey Slash,
did you miss the "From Nebraska" part? :)

We're the only Metal band in town. Everyone else does either country or punk covers. There's no buildings around really, that we can afford to turn into a practice space.
Ah, I forgot that it probably looks like this around your area:



Have you thought about improving the acoustic insulation at your home?