Prayer Request

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hey Guys--
I just received this from my friend Jon:

Hey Matt, Jon here...

Just found out today while at work that my mom has cancer. She's going to
have surgery September 10th. So if you have a chance, can you keep her in
your thoughts and prayers. I figure the more the better. It's really taken
me back, as there's pretty much nothing I can do to help and it leaves this
helpless feeling.

It's been a rough year, my appendix and now this. I guess this is just one
cross we'll have to bear.


I was wondering if you guys would pray for his mom, for him, and the whole family during this situation. What a tough thing to have to go through; I know that God can bring healing and comfort to them, and I know that they will appreciate your prayers. Thanks, friends!
I'll also keep the family in my thoughts and prayers. Cancer sucks. I lost my sister (age 43) to ovarian cancer 2 years ago. For that matter, any disease sucks... I lost my dad in '96 to ALS (Lou Gherig's disease, and then my mom in '99 to multiple sclerosis. At first I got pissed off at God for taking away my family and leaving me all alone (almost alone...I have a son), but then I accepted it as part of his "plan"...whatever that may be. :(
Man, that's terrible and I'm really sorry to hear that all that stuff happened. There's not much anyone can say other than "hang in there." I totally understand the feeling of not knowing why stuff is happening. It's hard when your world suddenly comes crashing down like that out of nowhere. There's a new song I've been working on with that very theme, in fact.
Waw, I couldn't stand that kind of thing if that was my mother... I have to pray for that too. Seems that God wants me to learn to pray for others, as there are also a lot of problems in my family too...
Think, because I snoop through old topic-
we have two more people praying for you guys!

And 300,000,000 more annoyed members. Seriously. Reading is one thing, but nobody cares about your one thought comments. There isn't anything inherently wrong with replying to old discussions, if you have something relevant and meaningful to say. But if it's just a quick news/update thread from 7 years ago, there is no need to comment. Seriously, don't.
Yeah thats what made me think of it. On Eagles Wings is not about 'this person' its about anyone who struggles with medical issues, it was just dedicated to his wife and dad. It CAN be written for anybody.
I've had one of those years, mom beat cancer, best friend beat cancer 2 years ago but is still going through tons of screenings, my best friend and i had our gallbladders out on the same day this year. lol Among other issues which have driven me away from my family.