Praying for Mieszkos safety


Feb 28, 2002
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As you may or may not know, Mieszko of Nasum / Soundlab Studios Örebro is missing in Thailand after the huge devestation. Off-topic? Nope, he helped out a bit with the recording of Alive Again and Swanö helped out a bit with the recording of "Human 2.0" so I guess they are fellow Örebro-musicians. Anyway, this thread is here in hope of Mieszkos survival :erk: .
The whole thing is unreal. I meet or talk to Mieszko almost everyday because of my dayjob. I just cannot believe the the Powers That be can let this be his destiny. There must be a higher meaning with his life than this. That is what keeps me from flipping out completely..I have recorded lots of stuff ith him, Nasum and Charles and....I even borrowed his guitar for the Crimson recording. He bought what was left of Unisound together with Matte from Millencolin....the list goes on...and the more I think of it, the more I cannot believe that I might never see him to him about stuff he bought on Ebaym find impossible spareparts etc. Let this NOT BE TRUE!!!

My prayers are with him, his family and friends worldwide...
Everytime I check the news it seems the death toll has risen. What a horrible situation for everyone who has family or friends in that part of the world! I'd heard about Mieszko being missing too. It's all so sad. :cry:
Sorry to hear about him missing and my thoughts go out to all who knew him
personally , including you Dan.
Here is wishing that he is alive and well and in one peice.
wow that sucks :( you never think stuff like that so far away would ever affect you in any way, then it does
Dan did Nasum's Industriaslaven album i fuckin love this album.
Yeah im really upset about this I met Mieszko at the gig's with ENT in Colchester and london and he was such a nice guy I just hope he returns safely even if it has been over 2 weeks I refuse to believe he's dead.