Pre 500 Mesa Dual Rectifier in da house.


Aug 3, 2005
Holland, Zwolle
Traded my Mesa Boogie Mark IV with a Pre 500 Mesa Dual Rectifier.
I already had the Mark series sound with my Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp and Peavey Classic Series 60/60 poweramp.
I liked the Studio Preamp more than the Mark IV because the SP is smoother with more tone. The M4 is a beautiful amp, but i like the SP more.

First i have to say I've had a Single Rectifier, a 2 channel Triple Rectifier and a 2005 3 channel Dual rectifier in the past. I'm a person who likes to spent hours tweaking and tweaking (playing the same boring riffs), so I think I know how my old recto's sounded.

The Pre500....
It's great.
For tight palmmuting you don't need a overdrive/tubescreamerpedal playing with a EMG-81. :hotjump:
There is no fizzy high-end.
The bass is tighter.
The dynamics/picking are absolutely different than the normal recto's, it's more Mark-series territory.
The Rectifier switch gets you more "sag", but because it is a tighter amp, it isn't too much and it still is tight.

It's a totally different amp than the later Recto's, I think it's sound is between a Mark series amp and a Recto. The tightness of a Mark with the the bulgyness (is that a word?) of a recto.
I will record some palmmuting around christmas with an EMG-81 guitar straight into the Recto.


56 posts... You're not allowed to make smartass comments yet noob.

This is the first time I hear about "Pre 500" rectifiers.

Uve been on UM for 3000 posts and this is the first time uve heard of a pre-500 Mesa?? Srs? Guess that debunks the whole "post count = knowledge" theory..

The early Rectifier's if I'm not mistaken have a very close resemblance circuitry wise to the Soldano SLO-100's (if not nearly a 1:1 copy), so that probably explains the tighter/less fizz sound.

But TBH Mr. Smith can suck on my ballbag because of his patent whoring

That is all.....
Lol, everyone's a fuckin comedian.

OT: Good get. I was recently sold one for 1500 AUD.. Absolutely magic buy. Best amp I've ever heard.. I know I've only got 50 posts, so please, take everything I say as bullshit.
Lol, everyone's a fuckin comedian.

OT: Good get. I was recently sold one for 1500 AUD.. Absolutely magic buy. Best amp I've ever heard.. I know I've only got 50 posts, so please, take everything I say as bullshit.

it could have been an alright post, but that last line was uncalled for again.
what's your problem with the postcount?
there are plenty of low count members here whoms opinion etc is appreciated.
Did any of the high counters take your toy in the sandbox or where does that unjustified remark come from?
seriously mate, someone was posting about his new recto, others came in and commented, one said "haven't heard of pre-500 before" chime in just to release some uncalled for remark about high count vs low count members that was in NO WAY related to the topic....
and while I think high and low counters posts are equally important for this forum, it's posts like yours that give the low counters the bad reputation.
it doesn't matter if you have 50 or 5000 posts, but if you only come here to stir up shit and to try to pick a fight you'll get banned from the forum.
if you decide to drop that attitude, you and your opinion, experiences and comments are very welcome.
your choice

That's all about this, back to the original topic please
I never heard of the pre500 thing until last month.:lol:
Saw the video from Native Instruments with Richard Krupse with his Pre 500 Rectifier plugin.
I placed an ad to sell my Mark IV and wrote along i was interested in a trade with a Recto. And voila, a Pre500 got offered.


BIG ASS PICS!!!! : )

Talking about Richard Krupse.....did'nt some dude on this very forum buy an amp off him?
WOW congrats man!! I got a rackto i love but i still wanna buy myself one of these one day and check out what all the fuss is about i just love rectos! congrats again