Preampus Gimme Head Released Here!!


May 11, 2009

OK, so here's amp number 5 from the Classic Hybrid line!
The Gimme Head is flashy, obscene and holds NOTHING back!

Here's what Ken has to say about Gimme Head!:

'The Gimme Head is balls to the wall, 'who gives a flying @#$% about anything' amp. It is
inspired by the classic tones of the 1970's Punk movement and as such has all the attitudes
already built in. Although you can get some nice Clean Tones from it, The Gimme head will
just call you a capitalist pig and puke on your floor for doing that to it. The Gimme head
is even dressed in a Leopard Skin Thong and Fishnets!! The most controversial of all the
ABG plugins, if you feel like getting kicked in the nuts...This is your amp!'

So it's time to get offensive, plug in your guitar, (don't even bother tuning it up, Gimme
Head just doesn't care) and play some tunes that make you feel real dirty!
So, if you haven't got Dick Head, Meat Head, Knuckle Head and Brain 2 already, go get them
(now!!) and take your Prempus Collection up to 5!

Get The Gimme Head Here

Bear in mind the Preampus Line amps are HEAD ONLY, you will NEED to use some external
cabinet modeling, we highly recommend LePou's LeCab, which you can grab here:

You should actually tune your guitar, it will probably sound better if you do.
Good stuff as always Johnny. Being back from vacation, I have a lot of new toys to play with !!!
Thanks for all the promo around LeCab.

Thats OK Lepou, Would you expect any less? :) Anyways, we have just completed the First Preampus Metal AMP too Called Razor Head, that Line will be out next week..

Thats very cool how you have favorites, but that will change as you get to know all of these characters. The testers were constantly changing their minds through the development, and the most popular amp is still to come thats Pecker Head...

This is the best name/skin yet. I intend to get good and belligerently drunk before trying it out this evening.:kickass: