
But what if the next wave of prey to drop in were women from the Amazon planet?!?

Actually that should be the next Predator movie.

Starring Danny Glover. Aw yeahhhhhhhhh.
Yea the biggest factor in the success of the original was the cast. You actually did care if Mac or Billy lived or died. You wanted to see what would happen to them just as much if not more than what would happen to Arnold. Wonderful cast. RR said he tried to cast this movie so each of the characters were so unique that any one of them could be a leading role in an offshoot. I guess, by the sounds of it, he failed.

Np - Axel Rudi Pell - Too Late
Well, that's probably right, each character could have been interesting enough if given time, as each had some sort of developed backstory: but it was only alluded to in a brief exchange at some point before they were no longer a focus, and then typically they died right afterwards. There wasn't enough time in this movie to flesh out that many characters. Basically it was like "oh hey let's find out something interesting about this guy. Oh okay now I like him, oh shucks now he's dead"

Except for that one lady, she was just always there and I don't even know if they tried to make you care about her other than "she wants everyone to get along and stick together"

And of course Danny Trejo didn't need any fleshing out other than "he's a Mexican"

He might have really succeeded with half the number of characters.
But what if the next wave of prey to drop in were women from the Amazon planet?!?

Actually that should be the next Predator movie.

Starring Danny Glover. Aw yeahhhhhhhhh.

And in the sequel Danny Glover crash lands and takes refuge underground, where he discovers Adrian Brody locked in a cell by a race of mutants who worship an atomic bomb, or some Predator equivalent thereof.
I saw it on Friday. I liked it, but for some reason didn't love it.

The movie had all of the elements. They stripped the plot down to the barebones, which is a big plus. They gave it the attitude of the first movie but it was a bit darker in tone. Some nice gore, good FX, good enough acting. Adrien Brody was channelling some inner bad ass I didn't know he had.

All of that said, I just didn't LOVE it.

I really agree with this.
I read, "hungarian dictator"...
