metalgods tour got cancelled

retarded penguin said:
were you at the TO show?

man, it fuckin ruled

no dood i wasn't. i didn't want to pay that much money. i'm nota big fan of halford, i've seen amon amarth, don't know much about the other bands, and didn't know if testament was playing. did they play? they were the only real draw for me. i'll catch em on a headlining tour whenever that happens
sacrificing virgins?

umm, nah, they arent really BM anymore...well, yeah, I suppose the older stuff is more BM, butnot now, definitely not now....definitely

amon amarth though, those fuckers could have caused some damage, beer and the mind-frame of vikings + being built like fucking viking= potentially serious damage
Seeing how much Immortal love to take pictures with their shirts off and their pot bellies showing, I'd guess this time they took it one step further and took all their clothes off and did something inappropriate along those lines.