Predetermination of the Universe

I take it no one has had a substancial amount of coincidental occurances in thier life ? I've had a fair amount, they always leave me wondering, but I have always had more leanings toward fate than faith. I also dont put the significance in free will that others do, always seems to still be someone pulling the strings.

**Galder needs to get out in the sun more
Well, you'll experience a million tiny occurrences everyday,
so statistically, one of them ought to be somehow miraculous...
No, or at least not intentionally.

Well, it does. Predetermination requires a kind of understanding conscience. This means a sentient, all-knowing being. There could be a "course of history" that takes place from the beginning of time (and there certainly is); but unless there is a sentient, omniscient conscience to interpret and understand it, it can't be "predetermined."
Well, you'll experience a million tiny occurrences everyday,
so statistically, one of them ought to be somehow miraculous...

not sure about the million per day or any form of miraculous, but very interesting occurances and some directly related, some fairly extended chains... like I said coincedental and interesting.... doesnt need to challenge those that cant deal with it
It's a pretty well investigated psychological fact that humans notice events which seem coincidental and subconsciously discard those that do not fit...
It's a pretty well investigated psychological fact that humans notice events which seem coincidental and subconsciously discard those that do not fit...

but I discard none, as I said one not feel challenged by it, its just a theory like anything else. I've only made note that I have had a few series of events that line up way too much. A few things that happened that seemed like I had prepared for them my life until that point. These were all things that happened, out of the blue not by me in the process of living and going about my direction. Its really no big deal, Im sure a life baron of anything but ones own ambitions is better.
we are here not to make decisions but to understand them because they've been already made

Möglich Theory is the most logical to me

it's just like music, one note won't sound musical without the one before it and so on.