Premonitions of War-Left in Kowloon 2004


Premonitions of War-Left In Kowloon
Victory Records 2004
Premonitions of War are extreme & abrasive. There's enough aggression & brutality on this disc that you'll find yourself thinking "can I really sit through this?" At least I felt that way. I did & was happy that the entire experience was about 26 minutes. In that time, the band ripped through 12 tracks & managed to completely lose me. And to be honest, they aren't a bad band. Right off the blocks some bands start off very strong & others could have used some additional guidance & direction. Premonitions of War could have used both. The bands' influences show through out the record. Sometimes so much that it's hard to see what genre of music they are wanting to fit into. Are they metal? Industrial? Hardcore? I couldn't tell you. There is an audience for this band though, I'm just not one of them. Where the hell is Kowloon anyway?!

1.) Mother Night Revisited
2.) Layover
3.) Night Soil
4.) Stolen Breath
5.) One Constant Volume
6.) Black Den
7.) Cables Hum Overhead
8.) Citizen
9.) The Octopus
10.) Covered in Lights
11.) Capsule Hotel
12.) Dim Light District
