Presets for Guitar Rig 4


Death Be Not Proud
Jan 15, 2010
Dickson City, Pa
Anyone have any great sounding presets for Guitar Rig 4 that they would like to share. All the ones I try to make don't really sound that great. Just want to see what other people have been able to do with it.
i think you might get more response if you asked for clips, when asking for presets its given no one will answer.
Thats a good point. I don't know why i wrote presets, don't usually use them anyway unless its a cool effect or something. Anyone have any clips they want to share?
The real question you should have asked, was does anyone here even know HOW to make a good tone using Guitar Rig 4. Though you still wouldn't have gotten any anwers. :-)
Guitar rig can't do metal, period
Though the clean sounds can work if tweaked
Grab some of the free VST preamps, available thru this forum
You'll also need a impulse loader & maybe an impulse library
Good luck!
Guitar rig can't do metal, period

It can... period.
Depends on the player, song, skill level etc

I hear tons of shite posted here with "real" amps blah blah blah
You cant blame the amp for piss poor playing or recording. Same with GR4.

Give any top player Guitar Rig and they will sound good. Why? Because they are good.
It can... period.
Depends on the player, song, skill level etc

I hear tons of shite posted here with "real" amps blah blah blah
You cant blame the amp for piss poor playing or recording. Same with GR4.

Give any top player Guitar Rig and they will sound good. Why? Because they are good.

M'kay... right, I'll have to agree with you to a point. A good player will always sound good.

But GR is weak :p