Presonus Firebox Blues (Brand new and cant get it to work!)


New Metal Member
Aug 4, 2009
Just purchased a Presonus Firebox and I cant seem to get it running. The light is a constant red on the front and i have re installed the drivers. Its says that my firewire drivers and my firebox drivers are fine but the firebox isnt there when I try to switch audio devices and when running Reaper it appears but gives me an error message "There was an error while opening you audio hardware:Error Initializing ASIO driver. This is my firewire card:

Please help!
Email Presonus support, they should know. Iirc there is the TI and the VIA chipset and one of them causes trouble with a lot of interfaces. But I'm not really sure. Haven't had to deal with this kind of stuff. Just trying to put down stuff I remember reading on this board a while ago.
Don't even try PreSonus tech support. It's garbage. Try getting the ASIO4ALL drivers and go from there. The stock drivers don't work for most people.

Really? Calling them on the phone yields instant results for me. They even take care of me out of warranty.
whattt. did you have to yell and scream? or were you polite? :u-huh:

Nope I was polite, they replaced my Firepod a long time ago. Sent me a brand new replacement for it. I was so impressed, I decided to move up to a firestudio and digimax FS and have been very pleased with it.
The key is calling them, lots of people expect help from their forum and never try to contact them otherwise. I called and talked directly to the guys that work and design on these things, and they really are knowledgeable.
The key is calling them, lots of people expect help from their forum and never try to contact them otherwise. I called and talked directly to the guys that work and design on these things, and they really are knowledgeable.

Agreed. Called someone about Firepod issues two years ago and got help in less than ten minutes.
Ok so after a lengthy phone call and an email I was told to do this:

So we need to do a manual uninstall. To do this manual uninstall you
must first Go to Start>>Right click on My Computer>>Select
properties>>Go to Hardware>>Select Device Manager>>Go to Sound Video
and Game controllers. Find the Audiobox, right click on it and
uninstall. Next go to Start>>Control Panel. Go to Add or Remove
Programs, find the Audiobox drivers and remove. Next go to Start>>My
Computer>>Local Disk C:>>Program Files>>PreSonus. Delete this entire
folder. (it’s okay if it’s not there)

Now we have to edit the registry.

Go to Start>>Run>>Type in regedit and click enter>>Go to H_KEY_LOCAL
MACHINE>>System>>Current Control Set>>Enum>>61883>>right click and
delete the PreSonus key. If it gives you an error, then right click
again, select permissions, select Allow for Full Control. Click ok.
Right click on the file again and delete.

Next go to H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>>Software>>Locate the PreSonus folder
and right click and delete.

Next go to H_KEY_CURRENT_USER>>Software>>Locate the PreSonus folder
and delete. Exit the registry editor.

Now delete any PreSonus drivers you downloaded. Empty your recycle bin
and restart your computer. After restart, retrieve the Firebox drivers
from our website. Extract all of the files onto your desktop, and run
the installer. After the install is complete, restart your computer.


It still doesnt work and i know its not my firewire because it is brand new and off of their short list of compatible ones

XP sp 3. And its syncing. kind of. It lets me select the various inputs or out puts and both the firewire and firebox say they are working properly.(bullshit! haha) I disabled my sound card and all that fun stuff and still nothing
Whoever you talked to, call them back and tell them the same thing you are still having problems with. I talked with a guy named Jon Ward when I was going back and forth over my issues. This was for a firepod issue, but here's what was sent to me at the time FWIW:

Jon Ward said:
We are going to start from scratch.

First I need you to uninstall the Firepod and FP10 drivers.

Next, Download this freeware registry cleaning software, RegSeeker.

Extract the files to your computer and then open RegSeeker.

Click the option to the left, "Find in Registry".

Under "Search Options", uncheck 'Data' and 'Values'.

Search for: Presonus

delete all found files...

Search for: PAE

delete all found files...

Search for: ps_1394

delete all found files...

Search for: pae_1394

delete all found files...

Search for: ps_AVS

delete all found files...

Search for: pae_AVS

delete all found files...

Then click the option to the left, "Clean the Registry" to fix other general errors with your computer.

Once done, restart your computer and then reinstall the drivers for the corresponding device. IE: if you are using a FP10, install the FP10 drivers.

Kind Regards,
Jon Ward
Technical Support
PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc
Direct Line: 225-215-0673