Presonus Studio One V2

im just wondering if it will have a better 32 to 64 bit bridge system so i dont have to use jbridge anymore.
Agreed. It merits another shot. My experiences with S1 in terms of audio quality were exceptional when I tried it 2 years ago. The first time I began to think a DAW's summing engine might actually make a difference.

Melodyne integration so all editing can be done in place, on the one DAW.... really great.
Melodyne integration so all editing can be done in place, on the one DAW.... really great.
+1, my thoughts exactly.

Just for Melodyne alone, I think the upgrade will be worth it.

FWIW, I REALLY like the built in plugins on V1. They are leagues ahead of most of the ones packaged in the more expensive DAWs IMO. I still have better for most applications... but for someone who doesn't have a lot of after-market plugins, the ones included in even the Artist version are quite exceptional. Even presets, which tend to suck pretty bad in most suites, are quite surprising in S1, with a few tweaks, a beginner could walk away with a very nice recording, with very little effort.

The only thing about it is, I can't seem to get my head around its workflow. Coming from Reaper/Cubase, I find it's very hard for me to transition to it, but I'm slowly getting there :lol:
No need for my to point out my fanboyism again. This DAW is brilliant. Very easy to use, and what it might lack in features, it makes up for in uber-cool.
i believe it has button mapping for protools workflow built in. I tried v1 and must say i really liked it alot.
Think i will get it when i get some cash.
I recall the 'preset' ProTools button mapping being totally retarded when first implemented. Half the commands I know didn't even work, and those that did either worked arse-backward or not in a way that facilitated anything useful in S1. Hope they sorted that!
FML, this thing is taking forever to download all the instruments and effects. Took like 5 minutes to install the program, then you have to download all the files that go with it (16.67 GB) and install them. Argggg.

Better be epic when I'm done, is all I have to say :lol:
Indeed, won't be demoing it after all. No way I can kill a third of my monthly internet quota on this.

I don't know if you get all this stuff when you try the demo (even if you did, you don't have to download them) - I upgraded my Pro version to it and am downloading everything for it because, FWIW, the instruments you get in it are quite good, obviously nothing like East West and the like... but you're also not paying $600+ for each package, either. More than usable for someone who doesn't use orchestrations, pianos, synths, etc. enough to pay for the "professional" plugins :p