Press conference at 2 pm EST


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Ok i am listening to Sirius radio on my PC at work rock channel 27 Hard Attack
I signed up for the free 3 day trail..... Sabbath now Arch Enemy..... Slayer....
The press conference is at 2pm Est 11 am PST.. sign up now..... listen .... this board will go crazy after the conference..... :headbang: o_O
AnthraxFan93 said:
I wish I could.. Fa-king work blocks the site.

Same here. My old work computer got some bad viruses and ended up getting fried. So when they came and gave me a new one they hooked it up with no sound card too. So now I can't even listen to a cd on my headphones when I am working:yell:
only a few more hours to go............ Oh well.......... here goes nothing.......*gulp*

Why the fuck am I a little nervous???? :erk:
prime666 said:
Somebody record this shit for me! Please????

Hey Jeff, I'm gonna run down to the local store and buy a cassette and see if I can rig this shit to record. whether or not i mail it to you is another story. we'll see. wait, i'm getting lazy about running to the store now. ok ok, i'll go now
prime666 said:
Come on Alex help a brother out.

Alright bro. I just ran down to pay my rent, return a movie and picked up a cassette. I also bought a pack of smokes since it's friday and I smoke on the weekends. I got carded for smokes for heavens sake. I should grow facial hair or something to look older. On the other hand, looking young helps me get with college chicks and there are plenty of college chicks here in DC. I just ran a test to see if my tape player works. I just rigged all this shit and I am currently recording Serius right now as we speak.