Pretty sure this is the heaviest mix I've ever done.


Captain Midnight
Sep 22, 2005
Perth, Australia Depths/Song 2 mix 1.mp3

Basically concentrated on bringing the violence on this one, and I hope I succeeded.

I think this might be the first time we really got the 5150 "right" if that makes any sense, it's heavily modded and seems to enjoy going from to scooped, to really nasal between like 3 and 4 on the mids. Think we got the balance right this time though!

Didn't use any Slate on this one either, which I'm personally happy with as I use those damn drum sounds as a crutch!

Let me know what you think :)

Edit: Just realize I forgot to put a high pass before my limiter on the 2bus, so the bass drops may freak out the limiter a bit.
Thanks dude! Yeah this mix was a bit of battle with the 2.5k region on the guitars, couldn't seem to get it to sit right so I think I might just let the mastering engineer take care of it!
Yeah the song is pretty naff, but got to deal with what you get I guess! I'm not mastering this, this is just my "make it loud" for the band master, I get everything mastered externally because I suck at it.
Thanks dude! Yeah this mix was a bit of battle with the 2.5k region on the guitars, couldn't seem to get it to sit right so I think I might just let the mastering engineer take care of it!

I hear ya. Sometimes I overcompensate and it comes out too harsh when everything is finalized
are the tones on the guitars slightly different? because i loved the one on the left but not so much the right :p

They arent different but I know the part you're talking about, it was tracked by two different guitarists and most of the time it was pretty close but their palm mutes ended up sounding really different.
Not bad! I might try to re work the eq on the guitars, specifically the lead guitar. It might be the playing though, because I encounter a similar issue sometimes. Also, try to either eq the kick drum so it has a bit more attack or blend in a punchier sample. Bass sounds amazing!