
I've actually heard that Scrubs does a decent job of getting the medical stuff mostly right.

Yeah, I'm sure some shows do, but he just hates it because it's a satire on medicine (in his opinion) and shit involving medicine should be serious. I remind him that it's hollywood and it's fiction and it's supposed to be entertainment.

Anyway, I've been taking a liking to the Independent Film Channel lately. The movie Confederate States of America was on last night. It was fucking hilarious.

I'll also watch anything that shows movies on a regular basis. So, channels like Bravo, Turner Classic Movies, Spike, AMC, etc.

I also watch professional wrestling when it's on, but I never watch a full shows worth anymore.

I will also watch CNBC when I have a day off or something because I'm a nerd and understand what they are saying when they talk about a 'January call selling for 20% over book value' and stuff like that
What's everyone's opinions on HBO series? The only one I've watched in full were both seasons of Rome, which was incredibly awesome. I wish they could make a third season but they would either have to bullshit some plot during the Pax Romana, or else set it later in history with a whole new cast.

The Wire is an amazing show as I said before, and I love Deadwood as well (though I don't love the fact that they never wrapped up the story and never made another season). Not sure I've seen any others so far.
Yes. I'm currently watching season 4. My girlfriend & I have watched three and a half seasons in about a month and a half. Awesome show. I was quite hesitant to get into it because of the fact that it's essentially a police drama, but it's so well written and acted that I've become completely addicted. I love how the police are portrayed as real people who fuck up all over the place whist doing interesting work, and how there is little focus on heroics or sentimental garbage, and how cases never end up wrapped in a nice neat little package where the good guys solve the crime and put the bad guys away for life. Apparently one of the main writers is a former Baltimore police detective & school teacher.

Yeah the show is written by an ex-crime reporter and an ex-police officer. A lot of it is also inspired by real events. There is an episode of the TV show American Gangster about Little Melvin Williams, a Baltimore gangster who served as a big inspiration for the show (mainly for Avon's character). He even stars in it as a tiny role as well (as the church deacon). I just downloaded that episode a week ago or so, it's pretty interesting.
Locke is by far the best character there, and he gets a lot cooler and more interesting in s3. He is, without a doubt, the most interesting character in the show. Desmond, who you've already met, also becomes a regular in s3, and his story arch takes a huge, awesome turn. S3 also sees many of the Others becoming important characters.

Seriously, though, how do you not like Hurley? Or Jin?
I forgot that I like both of the Koreans, especially after they get back on good terms. The wife is a babe but Jin would probably kick my ass for saying that. Hurley was sort of cool until he acted so irrationally about those numbers. I wanted to punch him in the nads.

What's everyone's opinions on HBO series? The only one I've watched in full were both seasons of Rome, which was incredibly awesome. I wish they could make a third season but they would either have to bullshit some plot during the Pax Romana, or else set it later in history with a whole new cast.
Of course you know I like Rome but everything else I've seen from HBO (a few episodes here and there) have been great.
I really am genuinely pissed off that Deadwood ended where it did. HBO at some point promised to make two movies to wrap up the series but that never materialized and seems unlikely to happen anymore at this point.
What's everyone's opinions on HBO series? The only one I've watched in full were both seasons of Rome, which was incredibly awesome. I wish they could make a third season but they would either have to bullshit some plot during the Pax Romana, or else set it later in history with a whole new cast.

Rome was awesome. It's a shame they can't keep something going.