Priest/Anthrax Review


Jun 25, 2005
Grand Haven, MI
The ringing is still in my ears and my voice is far from recovering, it's a good thing I am typing this so I don't have to try and speak.

Myself and a friend of mine arrived at the venue about 30 min beofre the doors were schelduled to open. Upon arrival my first thought was that the place was rather small..and it was. Despite this fact I was very excited for the show. After waiting in line for a bit we both noticed that none of the people resembled what I imagined a large group of priest/anthrax fans would look like. I must have looked like quite a novelty in my leather and studs...Still very excited for the show. After sitting for a bit ( it was a "seated" show, even on the floor :yuk: ) Anthrax came out right on time. I was totally ready for the ass kicking to begin.

Anthrax put on a kick ass show. They were really playing hard. Good ole scott was tearing the shit out of his poor guitar. Most of the stuff they played was off "Among the living", which I thought was great. N.F.L, Indians, Among the living, and caught in a mosh. They also played "madhouse" ,"Medusa" and 2(I think) other songs I was unfamiliar with.

Joey really tried his hardest to get the crowd going. And I say "tried" because the crowd (minus myself, friend and a few others) sucked really bad. Most of the assholes just stood there staring.They could have been cardboard cut outs. It's a bit hard really getting into a show when everybody else is just standing there. The only thing i though was that they were all just waiting for priest. What really pissed me off is that thay all had better spots than me and weren't even into the show.However I screamed and shouted on cue and sang what I knew loud and proud.

Anthrax rating: Top notch. Wonderfull ,energetic show.
Crowd rating: Shit :yuk:

What came next was what I have been waiting for, for months. Judas Fucking Priest. They came on very shortly after Anthrax which was nice. The intro to "Hellion" kicked in and I was lovin it. Screamin', shouted, throwin' up the horns and everything. The band appears on stage and Halford comes out shortly after in the center of the giant electric eye on stage. Fucking sweet.

Priest played a great show that got better and better as it progressed. Except for the time Halford got his long ass coat caught on the stairs and then shortly after tangled the large flags he placed at the edge of the raised platforms. Besides those little screw ups in the begining everything was dead on and amazing.

Playlist is as folows: Hellion/Electric Eye, Metal Gods, Riding On The Wind, A Touch Of Evil, Judas Rising, Revolution, Worth Fighting For, Breaking The Law, I’m A Rocker, Diamonds & Rust (acoustic), Beyond The Realms Of Death, Turbo Lover, Hellrider, Victim Of Changes, Painkiller, Desert Plains, Living After Midnight, You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’. Order may be off in a few places.

"Victim Of Changes" was by far the highlight of the show for me. I never thought that the song could be so incredibly heavy. At the mid-point before the slow ending of the song, Glenn had a bit of stage time to himself and he put on quite a performance. It was great. The rest of the band came back out and a large solo section continued, when they finally cut back to the song they finished it up with so much power. I was stunned. Rob was really belting it out.
Painkiller after Victim was also very nice.

Back to that audience I was talking about earlier. They still sucked!! Not as horribly ad before, but not nearly as excited as I was and expected them to be. I sang every word and cheered my throat into oblivian after every song, all while headbanging for 2 straight hours! I only wish everyone else was a little more enthusiastic. And if they just wanted to stand there staring I wish they would have given me ther spot!

Priest Rating: Absolutly incredible. Metal Gods indeed :worship:
Crowd rating: Lack luster :err: :ill:

Me the whole time: :hotjump: :rock: :worship: :grin: :OMG:

Anyway. despite the lack luster audience I had a great time. Both bands were on top of their game. Everyone sounded great and rocked hard. :rock:

Now all I need to do is get my voice back....
Wow!! Thanks so much for that KILLER review. You are definatly OLD SCHOOL!! Trying to look cool and not getting into the show seems to be the trend in the US. That SUCKS!!

I wonder if Anthrax played "metal thrashing mad"?? Its my favorite! :rock:. I am soooo glad the venues in Europe don't have any seats. What moron ever thought that a metal crowd wanted to be seated during a show!

Good to hear you enjoyed it so much. I hope one day all UMOS freaks can come to Europe and visit a festival together!! That would ROCK!!
It sounds like a hell of a show, great to see that Priest brought back "Desert Plains" and "Riding on the Wind" in the setlist!

And yeah seats suck, glad you showed people the way it has to be done :loco: ->
Excellent Review're sounding a bit like ole Bruce describing the crowd! :tickled: and rightfully so...sitting sucks, no pit sucks, rocking out with Priest and Anthrax........killer :rock: :rock: :rock:
Most astounding review you got an A! ;)

The references to the crowd are beyond pitiful, everything has to be extremes?

Either morons moshing and kicking and throwing stuff making the show violent and pising off the band, or cardboard zombies waiting for a guy with a chain in the wallet screaming yo, yo, yo to get excited :err:

What happened with old headbanging, horns and screams? I remember the view of the crowd in the 'Stranger In Strange Land' video and I always thought wow that's the kind of crowd I wish to have if I ver play in a band.

I'm getting old I guess
Yeah that's a shame about the crowd I always thought MI had a good metal scene
much like Ft. Wayne and Chicago.

In the area of MI were I live there is next to no metal scene. Good ole' safe conservative west Michigan is a total drag as far as music goes. :yuk:

I thought we had this discussion before... Fort Wayne doesn't have a metal scene. Piere's has a shitload of "metal" (nu-metal mainly) bands that roll thru but the crowds they attract are kinda sad. Since Pieres is a dance club you have to imagine the sort of folk that come to the shows.

Every now and then there is a quality show there... minus the crowds...
What? Have you ever heard of Typhus, Cryptic, The Lurking Corpses (well
there Horror Punk ala misfits). Plus Gigantour played there it just seems
a lot bands just stay north like MI Fort Wayne and Chicago. My buddies
from Mantis and Legion play there all the time at some bar along with
Psychomancer and they tell me there is always a good turnout. The only
good thing about not having a whole lot of Intl/National metal shows is
that I can go to more Local/regional/Statewide shows.