It has been almost a week since the concert but because of the board being down I could not post a review.
The show was great. The venue was a small bar and the "concert area" was about the size of my kitchen. This at first was a bit dissapointing but in the end it ended up being a blessing and one of my best concert experiences to date.
First up was a local death metal band. I am not normally a huge fan of death metal but these guys were great. They had some awesome solo's and were just killer overall. Next was a local hardcore-ish/metal core band. Not really my cup of tea. Pretty standard cookie cutter metal core songs. Nothing impressive, but nothing to horrible.
The next band was a band hat i had previously not heard of but am now definatly a supporter of. The band was Watch Them Die. Before the band started some guy was setting up lights and talking to me and a buddy. Turns out he was the vocalist for the band. So the band starts playing and everyine one of them on stage was putting on a hell of a show. The vocalist was a great guy and handed of the mic to my buddy and I a few times for some improv screaming. Because of the venue the stage was very small and I was pretty much half way on stage the entire time and the band jsut went with it and were rockin out with everyine. Best audience involvement i have ever witnessed or been part of. Got some free sticker from the band later that night. Really friendly guys.
Next up was Crisis. Another band I had previously not heard. The music was decent, but the show was great. As with Watch Them Die, the band especially the female lead vocalist used the venue size the their advantage and taotally involved the crowd in the show. The vocalist was crawling all over the crowd and giving people the mic and shit. was quite an experiance.
3 Inches of blood were up next. Foe those of you who have heard their stuff, you know it's fun and silly and just a good time to rock out to. The live performance was no different. KNowing the words to alot of the songs only enhances the experiance and came in much handy when yours truely was given the oportunity to sing the chourus to "Deadly Sinners" everytime it came around. Was a great show and aftorword one of there vocalist leans down wraps his arm around me and thanks me for singing with them and for rockin so hard. Good stuff.
Next up was Exodus who just kicked everyones ass...twice. They played a great set-list which I posted in an earlier thread, and because we were all so into it, they added "Fabulous Disaster" to the show. Rob Dukes did a great job of singing all the old Baloff and Zetro stuff as well as the new stuff. Gary made sure to introduce Rob Dukes, and Lee Altus and to everyone as Jani lane and CC Deville accordingly and then let us all know that satan sent him Paull Bostaff. The actuall performance was great. Gary was soloing and riffing his ass off all while leaning into and over the crowd and Dukes did his best to sweat all over everyone...myself included
The band was so close to the crowd the whole time I hit my head on gary's guitar twice and even more on jack Gibsons bass one time being quite painfull. ONe thing I did notcie was that Dukes is much umm..."larger" than he appears to be in many pictures and much less shaven. Gained a bit of wieght perhaps. He looks like a big mean evil carnival worker and the clown tattoos definatly add to the effect. Definatly not someone I would want to run into in a dark ally.
Overall it was an amazing show and will be very hard to beat. Took my voice, ears and neck about 4 days to completely recover. The small venue was definatly a good thing in this case and made the show much more of a personal experience.
The show was great. The venue was a small bar and the "concert area" was about the size of my kitchen. This at first was a bit dissapointing but in the end it ended up being a blessing and one of my best concert experiences to date.
First up was a local death metal band. I am not normally a huge fan of death metal but these guys were great. They had some awesome solo's and were just killer overall. Next was a local hardcore-ish/metal core band. Not really my cup of tea. Pretty standard cookie cutter metal core songs. Nothing impressive, but nothing to horrible.
The next band was a band hat i had previously not heard of but am now definatly a supporter of. The band was Watch Them Die. Before the band started some guy was setting up lights and talking to me and a buddy. Turns out he was the vocalist for the band. So the band starts playing and everyine one of them on stage was putting on a hell of a show. The vocalist was a great guy and handed of the mic to my buddy and I a few times for some improv screaming. Because of the venue the stage was very small and I was pretty much half way on stage the entire time and the band jsut went with it and were rockin out with everyine. Best audience involvement i have ever witnessed or been part of. Got some free sticker from the band later that night. Really friendly guys.
Next up was Crisis. Another band I had previously not heard. The music was decent, but the show was great. As with Watch Them Die, the band especially the female lead vocalist used the venue size the their advantage and taotally involved the crowd in the show. The vocalist was crawling all over the crowd and giving people the mic and shit. was quite an experiance.
3 Inches of blood were up next. Foe those of you who have heard their stuff, you know it's fun and silly and just a good time to rock out to. The live performance was no different. KNowing the words to alot of the songs only enhances the experiance and came in much handy when yours truely was given the oportunity to sing the chourus to "Deadly Sinners" everytime it came around. Was a great show and aftorword one of there vocalist leans down wraps his arm around me and thanks me for singing with them and for rockin so hard. Good stuff.

Next up was Exodus who just kicked everyones ass...twice. They played a great set-list which I posted in an earlier thread, and because we were all so into it, they added "Fabulous Disaster" to the show. Rob Dukes did a great job of singing all the old Baloff and Zetro stuff as well as the new stuff. Gary made sure to introduce Rob Dukes, and Lee Altus and to everyone as Jani lane and CC Deville accordingly and then let us all know that satan sent him Paull Bostaff. The actuall performance was great. Gary was soloing and riffing his ass off all while leaning into and over the crowd and Dukes did his best to sweat all over everyone...myself included

Overall it was an amazing show and will be very hard to beat. Took my voice, ears and neck about 4 days to completely recover. The small venue was definatly a good thing in this case and made the show much more of a personal experience.