ANTHRAX and JUDAS PRIEST concert review 10/28/05


Project Genocide
Apr 2, 2005
The Napa Valley
just a repost of what i put up on the Anthrax forum, but i figured some Priest fans might be in here who wouldnt have thought to check that area out, so i thought it wouldnt hurt to repost it up here for the Priest fans.

Oh man…. What a night.

First off just gotta say everything was cool at work ‘cause I got Jake to cover my shift (rock on!) and I managed to get a ride there

And get a ride there I did… right on time. 5 minutes after getting there Anthrax stepped on stage. 1 year to this date I saw Anthrax playing (but only half their setlist because my ride got lost on the way, see this LINK to a review of that show) so I was pumped ah hell to be seeing them again (For a whole set, with Belladonna on vocals no less). I heard a bootleg of the new Belladonna fronted Anthrax n I wasn’t impressed, but WOW I was wrong! That guy still has pipes like he did on Among The Living. It was really cool seeing the classic lineup together playing the stuff they did back in the day, and you could tell they were having fun.

And although I’ve grown to like Bush as a singer more, he can’t touch Belladonna on classics like I Am The Law or Madhouse. Charley as always was a fantastic drummer, and I still say he’s the best in metal today, that guy is just insane at what he does. Scott did his thing too, but I missed him wearing his shorts (to be fair it was freezing cold) and he didn‘t do that funny dance he does near as much as last time I saw em, but he play just as tight (if not more so). Fun surprise was them busting out I’m The Man, a personal favorite (just for the sheer stupidity of it) and it worked astonishingly well live. I gotta say though, my pick of the set for best performance was the opener Among The Living, it is just godly live.

The setlist was pretty short due to a gay ass curfew, but it was a pretty badass set. A shame the two songs they took off were my two favs (Be All End All and Medusa) but ya can’t win em all, and I was just happy to be there. Totally full of energy, a great time. The setlist was something along these lines (I tried to get it in the right order the best I could. I might be missing a song or 2 at the most)

Among the Living
Got the Time
Caught In A Mosh
N.F.L. Efilnikufesin
I'm The Man
I Am the Law

I must mention (because I forgot to) that I picked up the tickets without a hitch and that were for general admission in the bleachers. Now… me and Mike being the tricky bastards we are just walked up towards the stage until we were stopped by security so we just saw 2 rows down from where the guy stopped us (about 30 yards from the stage) so we ended up sitting in 65 dollar seats that only would have cost us 40 bucks but were really free!!! That’s smooth!!! BTW Shannon if your reading, I LOVE YOU!!! Thanks a million times forever for the tickets. Amazing time!!!

Next up was the Priest!!! I just saw em in July (Link here), but I was more than happy to see em again! As always, a fantastic setlist (with a catalog of 30+ years how could it not be?) but I refuse to believe they couldn’t fit even one damn Defenders of the Faith song on there! But aside from that, it was nothing short of amazing. Although the seats weren’t quite as good as last time I saw em, the band seemed in much better shape. Ian Hill had a little slip of the bass at the very start of Touch of Evil, but nothing too bad (Scott Ian fucked up worse at the beginning of Got The Time) but I gotta say Halford’s voice sounded soooooo much better this time. He hit the high notes with no problem, and didn’t rely on any of the audio effects for em like at the last show, such as the echo or the prolonged they used at the last show I attended (and you could tell by how he looked after one of them long screams, he looked wore out. But he aint getting younger)

The setlist was changed up a little from last time, but not by much … and by not by much, I mean they took out my fav (non Painkiller album) song Exciter and replaced it by my least favorite off the new album, Worth Fighting For, lol. But oh well, like I said about Anthrax leaving out Medusa, ya can’t win em all. Still though, a great show, and I’ve never heard Diamonds And Rust sound more powerful… I’d say it was the best song on their set if it wasn’t for Riding On The Wind. Surprisingly they turned that track into a real killer live track, with Halford wailing out demon like screams. Tipton and K.K. were shredding it up so hard you’d think it was thrash. Reminded me of the Rapid Fire track on Live Meltdown, how they turned that one into a total ass kicking soul devouring machine. And props go towards Hellrider off the new album Angel of Retribution album… or as I call it “Painkiller part 2” because it just screams ‘sequel to the shredder king’. Anyway, here’s the Judas Priest set

Electric Eye
Metal Gods
Riding On The Wind
A Touch Of Evil
Judas Rising
I'm A Rocker
Breaking The Law
Diamonds And Rust
Worth Fighting For
Beyond The Realms Of Death
Turbo Lover
Victim Of Changes
Hellbent For Leather
Living After Midnight
You've Got Another Thing Comin'

As soon as the show was over Me n Mike just thought to ourselves OMGWTFLOL WIN!!! We just saw two legendary bands hit the stage back to back reunited with each of their definitive lineups and had a fantastic evening (not to mention all for just the price of gas getting there). A long drive back (seemed twice as long as getting there) n we were home. We gorged ourselves at Denny’s and In ‘N’ Out after the show (hadn’t eaten since noon and it was midnight, lol) n now I’ve just been sitting here recovering from this wicked night of metal meltdown.

But it’s quite early/last n I need sleep. Thank god no work tomorrow! I’m gunna sleep in until at least, no doubt. So until next time… Rock Hard, Ride Free!!!