Priest calling it a day....

I can't say I'm surprised you don't like it. I'm not insinuating anything...just judging from the discs you really like from the past and your list of top albums of this year I understand. You seem to like much heavier stuff in general. Saying it lacks no balls though? I don't agree with that. It does have a lot of softer moments, but that was the point when they were going to do this concept album. It was going to have peaks and valleys. Having said that, I understand some Priest fans not liking it, but calling it bad I don't understand, especially on this board. I mean Nostradamus is the most power metal album they ever had. While yeah, I would've preferred them to use an actual orchestra for the album instead of artificial symphonics, I still dug the sound minus a couple moments.

First of all, it's not the "artificial symphonics" that I was referring to when I said I thought the album sounded fake. It's the fake programmed drums and over-pro-tooled arrangements. There's nothing about Nostradamus that makes me think "this is a Judas Priest record" in terms of production. It sounds like pre-prods or demos. I think it was Keith Bergman, who reviewed the record for Blabbermouth that said Glenn or KK must've sat down with their laptops and recorded the whole thing together just for the sake of getting some self-indulgent experiment out there to the masses and I agree. It certainly sounds that way imo. Their lead guitar tones are also horrific.

Also, just because it's a concept album doesn't mean it has to be some epic, bloated undertaking. King Diamond ring a bell?

Also, I like much heavier stuff in general? Haha, no... Dude I listen to Blink 182, Paramore, Tegan and Sara, etc. It doesn't have to be heavy for me to like it one bit. However, when I'm listning to Judas Priest, I don't want to hear "Priest on Broadway," I want to hear big, anthemic songs and ferocious riffs. By the way, "Angel Of Retribution," while not on the level of "Screaming For Vengeance" or "British Steel," was a KILLER record. IMO, Nostradamus sucked ass. Sorry.

With that in check, I still want to see the band live before it calls it quits. I saw them for Ozzfest 2004 with Halford reunited and once again with Motorhead and Heaven and Hell, but yeah... not going to miss this.
Also, just because it's a concept album doesn't mean it has to be some epic, bloated undertaking. King Diamond ring a bell?

Also, I like much heavier stuff in general? Haha, no... Dude I listen to Blink 182, Paramore, Tegan and Sara, etc. It doesn't have to be heavy for me to like it one bit. However, when I'm listning to Judas Priest, I don't want to hear "Priest on Broadway," I want to hear big, anthemic songs and ferocious riffs. By the way, "Angel Of Retribution," while not on the level of "Screaming For Vengeance" or "British Steel," was a KILLER record. IMO, Nostradamus sucked ass. Sorry.

For sure, the album didn't need to be epic and those who didn't like it, I understand. However, it seemed pretty evident to me from the get-go that's what their plan was. Maybe that's why I liked it so much, I was expecting it to be like that. I still think it's solid, but I understand if you don't like that sort of thing, how it would seem like a major fail. It definitely is a complete 180 from their traditional sound. Oh and as far as King Diamond, I can't argue with that. No one makes concept metal albums better than him.

As far as the heavier comment, I meant the metal you usually seem to be listening to tends to be. Just something I've noticed.
Add that together with the passing of Dio and that bit of metal is getting kinda weighty. Let's hope the likes of Tony Iommi and Lemmy hold on for quite a while.

"What I'm doing now is writing. I've gone mad, writing loads of riffs again."

That's right, he's writing RIFFS. Not arrangements, orchestra parts, vocal melodies, but RIFFS. That's the way it should be.
Not to change the topic but yes, there are indeed a lot of Scorps material you're missing. Nothing touches their 70s output imo and I doubt much of that is on their best of.

I agree as well....Got into the Scorps with Virgin Killer, and really haven't liked THAT much after Love At First Sting, although the latest release is pretty damn good, imo.....
Did Halford have hair back when Turbo was released? If not, then how could they have been a hair metal band?


He did have hair, but it wasn't the a-typical hair metal type haircut.

Turbo was one of the reasons I didn't dig deeper into their catalog in those days. Spent my time digging into Motorhead's instead.

I have heard many select 70s Scorps tracks, but never owned any of the albums. I know it is something I plan to change someday. Just not enough time or $$$$ to get EVERYTHING on my never ending want list.