Judas Priest announce farewell EPITAPH World Tour

A fun surprise that was! And a great performance by James Durbin and the band. Good night of music!
Hmm...at the risk of derailing the thread a bit, it sounds like on American Idol maybe sometimes you actually get some talent shown! Out of the many years of The X Factor, there's probably one or two singers who have any shred of credibility in my book.
The contestants definitely have talent singing, the problem is whether or not they can write music :lol:
Nothing from the 2 Ripper albums though. Especially considering they've pointed out at least 1 song from each album, and they've ignored a period which a majority of the current line-up appeared on

Also hope Painkiller is better than the version on Rising In The East, Rob's vocals are shockingly bad on that performance
Yeah it doesn't really surprise me that that material from 'Jugulator' and 'Demolition' has been ignored and on a personal level I prefer it this way. I think Tim 'Ripper' Owens is a great vocalist, I just don't enjoy most of the material on those two albums he happened to be on.

As for that Painkiller performance, again it doesn't surprise me as it must be insanely hard to perform and Halford isn't getting any younger, at the risk of sounding harsh! Wonder if he will continue to resort to Death Metal style grunts!