PRIEST... You just had to know...

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda

Immediate Release:




After more than 12 years apart, Judas Priest and original lead vocalist Rob Halford have reunited for a global live concert tour in 2004. The definitive Judas Priest lineup of Rob Halford, lead guitarist Glenn Tipton, lead guitarist K.K. Downing, bassist Ian Hill and drummer Scott Travis are back.

The original band members have been re-establishing their personal and professional relationships since 1999 along the way sparking hundreds of reunion rumors.

Several exciting projects, in addition to the 2004 world tour, are in the early planning stages.

The long-awaited reunion of Judas Priest and Halford will thrill fans around the globe, and once again provide them with the opportunity to see and hear the band that defined Heavy Metal as we know it today.

Judas Priest rose from the gritty, working-class steel town of Birmingham, England, and became one of the biggest bands in the world. Judas Priest are considered the groundbreaking inventors of true Heavy Metal music. From their debut release 'Rocka Rolla' through monumental albums such as 'Sad Wings of Destiny,' 'Sin After Sin,' 'Stained Class,' 'Hell Bent For Leather,' 'Unleashed in the East,' 'British Steel,' 'Screaming for Vengeance,' 'Defenders of the Faith' and 'Painkiller,' titanic songs like "Victim of Changes," "Sinner," "Exciter," "Hell Bent for Leather," "Living After Midnight," "Breaking the Law" and "You've Got Another Thing Comin' '' were born. Judas Priest defines and epitomizes both sonically and visually the Heavy Metal genre.

Next year's reunion tour will also celebrate the band's 30th anniversary.

Judas Priest and Ripper Owens, who replaced Halford, have parted amicably by mutual agreement. The band is very grateful for Ripper's work in helping them to continue to bring Judas Priest's music to their millions of fans and they expect big things for him in the future.

Updates will be posted regularly at
To be honest with you, I'm torn on the whole thing. On the one hand, I will definitely await a new album, and most definitely see them live. On the other hand, I think Rob is probably better off with Halford.

The last few Priest albums being horrible IMO, which in my mind is less of an indictment on Ripper, and more a comment on how Tipton and Downing don't have it anymore when it comes to writing songs. On top of that, I absolutely love the two Halford albums and think that they're better than anything Priest has done since the early 80s (yes, even better than Painkiller).

While it sounds cool on paper, let's just say that I'm cautiously anxious. Believe me, I HOPE it's awesome.
bloodfiredeath said:
The last few Priest albums being horrible IMO, which in my mind is less of an indictment on Ripper, and more a comment on how Tipton and Downing don't have it anymore when it comes to writing songs.
But the spark of Halford was missing....musicians need to be inspired, and he is one of the greatest front men on the planet. Look at what Harris & co put together once Bruce and Adrian returned for BNW - not their best, but a hint of magic certainly.

Halford needs to get out of the 'hole in the wall' pub circuit and get back into the arenas with Priest. That's where they belong, and that's where the metal scene needs them.
On top of that, I absolutely love the two Halford albums and think that they're better than anything Priest has done since the early 80s (yes, even better than Painkiller).
Yeah the Halford albums might be better than the last two Priest albums, but better than Painkiller? :loco:

Halford is one pent up angry mofo - making sure he gets acts like Testament, Amon Amarth, and Immortal along for the ride. I wouldn't be surprised if the next Priest album will be a kick to the balls!
SHIT!!!! You bastards! I was going to post this news but forgot to!!!!!!!! :mad:

I was very surprised at this, moreso surprised to see it was announced TODAY! I'm usually a bit behind with news like this (Bruce and Adrian had been back in Iron Maiden for a year before I found out about the reunion ^_^)

Tell you the truth, I'm excited. Off course!! I was hoping to see Priest live with Ripper but this will definately do! Hopefully with Rob back he will give Glen and K.K. a kick in the balls (or a cock up the arse :loco: ) and start writing some classic Metal songs! FUCK YES! Hopefully it'll be better than Demolition and Crucible, I weren't too happy with either of them. Crucible's style didn't suit me...

Funny to think only last summer Glenn was telling Metal Edge that a reunion would never happen. Man O Man....
I'm sorry to say that neal has called in sick on the day of this event, so I'll be his temporary replacement:

youre all livin in the fucking past. boo judas priest.

Thank you, please carry on.
phyre said:
I'm sorry to say that neal has called in sick on the day of this event, so I'll be his temporary replacement:

youre all livin in the fucking past. boo judas priest.

Thank you, please carry on.

phyre said:
I'm sorry to say that neal has called in sick on the day of this event, so I'll be his temporary replacement:

youre all livin in the fucking past. boo judas priest.

Thank you, please carry on.

Just for that, I'm going to send you my unwanted KMFDM along with the Forefather CD. :hypno:
this has been in the works for so long it kind of seems anticlimactic.
I'm hardly on the "cutting edge" of metal, but this has all the hallmarks of turning into a golden oldie tour, albeit a legendary one.
Priest = trailblazers and legends. but ... do I really care about this? not really. Priest albums always were a bid dodgy due to much filler along with one or two classics per CD.
will they kick ass live? probably, they are professionals after all.
I've read that he's been in talks with another musician - it's gotta be Jon Schaffer.

Bet Iced Earth re-emerge with Ripper at the helm...although he won't be allowed to write (again).
lizard said:
interesting interview with Ripper, pointing out the economic reasons behind the reunion. he doesn't bitch though, classy.

Reminds me of an interview with Tony Martin I read some time back. The guy seemed really casual about the fact that he'd been booted out of Sabbath twice in order to get "bums on seats" as he put it. Love that guy's voice :)

Nice interview...although Ripper looks scarily like Chester Shittingwankfuckcunt from Linkin Cunt... :yell:
Ayeka said: BEAST! :grin:

You like, eh?

Personally I love Tony Martin, and I own every Black Sabbath cd except for Live at Last, We Sold Our Souls..(don't need it, got all of the songs already..), Reunion and the other new double live thing they just put out...

I even have the Eternal Idol sessions with Ray Gillen of BADLANDS singing on it. That's some good stuff.

But yes, keep an eye out, as this feature and another I am planning will surely have Neal screaming "living in the past" and other such nonsense!