Primal Fear - Delivering the Black

Sep 19, 2012
Conway, Arkansas
Got this one yesterday and have been diggin' it heap big ever since. Great speed metal result from start to finish. If the Grammy's need a metal performance for the 2015 show, here's an early nomination.
Halfway through a listen now. It doesn't give anything new, but it gives you exactly what you're expecting, quality power/speed metal.
to me the latter half of the disc was better than the first, still an awesome disc
to me the latter half of the disc was better than the first, still an awesome disc

Much like the last few Brainstorm discs, this album is paint by numbers. If you're looking for another dozen, good Primal Fear songs, than this record has what you want. However, if you're looking for something that shows the band evolving and growing, you won't find it on Delivering the Black.

Much like the last few Brainstorm discs, this album is paint by numbers. If you're looking for another dozen, good Primal Fear songs, than this record has what you want. However, if you're looking for something that shows the band evolving and growing, you won't find it on Delivering the Black.

I think this band is doomed no matter what they do. When they experimented more (like on Seven Seals or 16.6) to get away with the Judas Priest comparisons a bit, people said the first albums were better (even though they were accused back then to be a Priest clone). Now they kind of "get back to the roots" with the new album and people say they didn't evolve or grow.

As for me, I think Primal Fear is a killer band and I enjoy the last albums as much as the early stuff, maybe even more. Delivering The Black is another excellent album for them, as were Unbreakable and 16.6 before.

I have no problem with the "lack of evolution" of a band as long as the songs are good. And it's almost always the case for Primal Fear since their career began.
I think this band is doomed no matter what they do. When they experimented more (like on Seven Seals or 16.6) to get away with the Judas Priest comparisons a bit, people said the first albums were better (even though they were accused back then to be a Priest clone). Now they kind of "get back to the roots" with the new album and people say they didn't evolve or grow.
It's not simply a matter of evolution and growth, but a measure of quality. These songs (mostly) solid, but there's nothing exceptional going on. You can get away with putting out the same album over and over again, if the quality doesn't drop.

As for me, I think Primal Fear is a killer band and I enjoy the last albums as much as the early stuff, maybe even more. Delivering The Black is another excellent album for them, as were Unbreakable and 16.6 before.
When you say it's an "excellent album" does that mean it includes "excellent" songs? Because I'm not hearing any. If you want to write the same album over and over again, you should at least be improving your set list as you go. But there's nothing on this album that I would rank among the 15 best songs in their catalog.

Again, this is not a bad album, it's just not a very good one.
It's not simply a matter of evolution and growth, but a measure of quality. These songs (mostly) solid, but there's nothing exceptional going on. You can get away with putting out the same album over and over again, if the quality doesn't drop.

When you say it's an "excellent album" does that mean it includes "excellent" songs? Because I'm not hearing any. If you want to write the same album over and over again, you should at least be improving your set list as you go. But there's nothing on this album that I would rank among the 15 best songs in their catalog.

Again, this is not a bad album, it's just not a very good one.

Which songs have you considered "excellent" recently in traditional metal? Maybe your love for classic metal justed faded away and you have a hard time finding new songs "excellent" in that style, because you compare them with older ones you enjoyed more when you were more a fan?

As for me, DtB has a few excellent songs, like the title track, Alive And On Fire and When Death Comes Knocking, among others.
Which songs have you considered "excellent" recently in traditional metal? Maybe your love for classic metal justed faded away and you have a hard time finding new songs "excellent" in that style, because you compare them with older ones you enjoyed more when you were more a fan?
Definitely not. I haven't gotten around to putting together a Top 10 list these past few years. However, Power Metal is still one of my favorite genres. If I was putting together a Top 10 list for 2013, the following "traditional" releases would definitely be candidates (in alphabetical order):

A Sound of Thunder - Time's Arrow
Ashes of Ares - Ashes of Ares
Electronomicon - Unleashing the Shadows
Helker - Somewhere in the Circle
Hollow Haze - Countdown to Revenge
Sacred Mother Tongue - Out of the Darkness
Stormbringer - MMXIII
Twilight of the Gods - Fire on the Mountain

As for me, DtB has a few excellent songs, like the title track, Alive And On Fire and When Death Comes Knocking, among others.
None of these are killer tracks to my ear (granted, that's completely subjective). If I had to rate each song, they'd all fall somewhere between 6/10 and 8/10. The album just lacks those two or three 9/10 or perfect 10 songs that I feel albums like this need to make me want to reach for it over and over again.

So far my favorite track is "One Night in December".
As much as I love Primal Fear, I would agree with Zod...there is nothing new here, just the same old formula...I skipped their last record and then bought this one hoping for something new...very disappointing. In my opinion their first 4 are the best, with Jaws of Death being my personal favorite.
It almost sounds like Ralf is doing different things with his voice vocally and digitally to keep from sounding like Priest. If you sound like Preist, fuggit and play to your strength. Still - I really like this band and this disk.

Chris :headbang:
Primal Fear recently released a video for "Alive And On Fire", a track featured on the group's studio album, Delivering The Black, which was released back in January via Frontiers Records.

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Randy Black is also leaving the band due to "differences" between him and Ralf. They posted it on their Facebook yesterday.