primal fear- new religion!


Nov 19, 2006
anybody know's if this album is going to be release in the states before the progpower, because i checked and other places and theys have it for preorder and the release date oct 8 but i don't know if that is official info, I was thinking that was going to be out worldwide between yesteday and today!!:headbang:
not sure but its frickin awesome, im definitely getting it and you should too
You can also check NEH Records they have it also. I have been spinning the new disc almost constantly for the past week. This is by far their best album IMO. Ralph sounds great and the music is awesome. I really like the way they mix in the orchestra on a lot of the songs. Plus the song Fighting the Darkness is simply amazing.

According to the official website, the new CD is out now worldwide:headbang::

"PRIMAL FEAR's new album NEW RELIGION will be released in Europe and other parts of the world on September 21st/24th - another reason to announce the premiere of the second video clip from the new album. We will premiere the newest video clip of the New Religion album SIGN OF FEAR on Thursday Sept. 20th!"
I have been a fan of this band from the beginning and have everything they have ever released. I can not wait to see them at PP. Are there any other longtime fans out there that think PF's guitar sound gets a little less distinctive and pushed back in the mix on each new release? BLACK SUN was the last one that really stood out to me, DEVILS GROUND was ok but the sound on SEVEN SEALS and NEW RELIGION just is not in your face as much as on previous releases. The solo's are much more in the background as well and don't jump out at you. Now Mind you, I am talking about the 'sound' and the mix... When I first heard "Chainbreaker" I said HOLY $#*... It just crushed... then JAWS OF DEATH took it to a new high... these are just the thoughts from my perspective as a fan and sound engineer. There are some great songs on NEW RELIGION but I also think there is some not so great songs. Speaking from someone who considers PF to be their favorite Power Metal band I would rate their albums like this, from top to bottom how often I listen to them;
I really like Primal Fear, and don't get me wrong - this is a pretty good album - but I liked Seven Seals more. Seven Seals I thought was a step up in production and in Ralph's voice, and this album sounds just as great, but I don't know...I think they're trying some things that don't necessarily work so well for them. Still worth picking though.
After being overwhelmed by Primal Fears first disc i was hooked. They filled a huge void in the metal field by bringing Judas Priest "Pain killer" style of metal to the massess. New Religion is a top shelf disc but is bitter sweet for me. The melodic style in alot of this disc is awsome but I dont listen to Primal Fear for this style of metal. Even though they do it flawless, I listen to Primal Fear to get a "sound beating" of top notch in your face power metal. I also agree that the production of this disc is muddy. The edge just isnt there. the cd, minus the sub par production from the Nuclear Blast days is a 8 out of 10 for what it is. But its at the very bottom of my favorites list by them.
Like Azreal, I own every single album put out by Primal Fear.

I love every album.... except Seven Seals. I wan't particularly happy with the direction they took with this album. I also would have done their 'best of' cd a lot differently.

I have yet to hear the new cd, as Amazon (where I purchase my music from) says it won't ship until Oct. 8. Time to purchase the cd from the Russian version of Itunes he,he.

While I didn't like the direction Seven Seals took, Primal Fear is still in my top 5 favorite bands. And I'm still flying 2,000 miles for them in a few days.

I hope they play Red Rain in their set.
It's not bad, but I agree that it's not what I listen to Primal Fear for. The debut has always been my favorite. Jaws Of Death was my second favorite, and everything up to Seven Seals were carbon copies of JoD. Seven Seals was different but quickly claimed the #2 spot over JoD.
New Religion is even more different, but may be too much of a departure. Not bad, but it's my lowest ranked PF release to date.
Like Azrael, I own every single album put out my Primal Fear.

I hope they play Red Rain in their set.

MAN!!!! That would be awesome!!! I love that song... but unless they pull it out of their ass they wont be playing it....I have seen Multiple set lists over the years and that one was never included... one can hope though!!!
"Church of Blood" is the one song I want to hear the most:headbang:
I find it funny to hear 'this isn't what I listen to Primal Fear for.' Those opinions seem to mean that there's no reason for this band to record anything else, since they've already recorded whatyou want and you can just listen to those albums. I like when bands change their sound over time and do something different, yet still feel familiar. And that is what this album is to me.

Maybe this isn't like Judas Priest, but... Judas Priest is fairly close to old Judas Priest again (ya know pre-disco days) and has Nostradamus coming out soon for those tastes.

I know I can't convince you to like it, but I just recommend taking a more open mind when listening to it.
Azreal, In the sets you have seen, have you seen them play Battalions of Hate or Kiss of Death? I also want to hear those songs live.

I listened to the new CD today (twice) before I got out of work while doing computer work at my desk, and I must say I was very happy with this new cd.

Granted bands need to keep it fresh, this cd surprised me. I thought they were going to skew far. I didn't have that reaction as I listened to the cd.

I forgot the name of the 5th song (that is some 8 minutes long). That by far seems to be the one I want to see live as my initial reaction to the song as it started out was 'this sounds gay' and then after a minute or so it began to progress, and then at the 4-5 minute mark.... Beautiful !!! I know I heard this song 3 times today.

My excitement to see Primal Fear was already at a high... and now its just a bit more titillating.

Not only did I pre-order my cd, I also reluctantly dished out the extra 11 dollars for overnight shipping. I want to bring this cd with me to the show; hopefully get it autographed by the band.

speaking of which... anyone know at what time (if at all) Primal Fear will be doing an autograph session?

HOpe to run into you primal fear fans at the show.
I'm now utterly convinced that a mind can be so open that it fails to retain anything at all. I haven't read a post in this thread yet that said anyone didn't like it, that it sucked, or was even really critical of the CD. What long time Primal Fear fans listen to the band for is unadulterated over the top powerful speed metal, because no one does that style better.

“Seven Seals” was cool because there were a couple of off paced songs that added a bit of diversity, which in turn made the album a bit more unique than the JoD carbon copies. However, the new album has more than just a couple of slower tempo songs, which gives this entire disc an altogether different flavor. That doesn't make it bad, and there are some really good songs on it. Nevertheless, there are bands that have been doing this style of more melodic Power Metal for a long time, and doing it better if I may say so.

If one preferred to listen to this style of Power Metal then albums by Edguy, Nocturnal Rites, Firewind, or GammaRay would suffice just as well as “New Religion.” The album is okay. It's fine. We own it. We listen to it. It's not our favorite Primal Fear CD.