Primordial live webcast...

Got in to a little fist fight defending Primordial's honor last night. I came out unscathed in the melee, though my hand hurts from the dude's head, and I rolled my ankle when his butt buddies pushed me off of him. I was 7 cods in at this point, so details are hazy. Brian promises to deliver an adequate third party perspective when he returns to MSP tmrw morning.

Got in to a little fist fight defending Primordial's honor last night. I came out unscathed in the melee, though my hand hurts from the dude's head, and I rolled my ankle when his butt buddies pushed me off of him. I was 7 cods in at this point, so details are hazy. Brian promises to deliver an adequate third party perspective when he returns to MSP tmrw morning.


I'm hoping you said something terribly awesome before the first hit like... "There's only one poll option here: NEMTHEANGA, BITCH!" :lol:
It was the SF show 2 nights ago. I recorded them (being primordial) and moonsorrow from the audio stream... I'll post it whenever I get around to encoding it.
The story vaguely goes like this...

This Dimmu Borgir comic book collecting kike had the audacity to flip off Nemtheanga and Co. for the duration of their set. Perhaps he was upset that Eluveitie dropped off the tour, or he still wasn't over Ghaal losing the trial, I'm not sure. About half way through Nemtheanga calls him on it, "This fucking prick has been flipping us off all night, hey friend when you flip us off, you're saying fuck you to everyone in this building, yadda yadda." At this point I'm slightly bothered, but I didn't plan on scrapping with the fucker. My plan of attack was simply to grab him and shove him in to our friendly mosh pit. I casually go over to him and shove the fucker in to the circle ahhah. He squirms his way out of it and goes towards the center of the stage. I approach him once again and kindly ask, "hey mate, what's with the disrespect?" This asshat, with his lip quivering, then has the audacity to say, "get your hand off me right now." If only he said please, I would have not taken it as an act of aggression. I grab the fucker by the head and clock him with a right to the back of the noggin, then swarm his ass to the ground. (We're in West Hollywood afterall) At this point I land a couple shots to his faggot face. I reckon I got 4 blows in on the floor (my hand is fucked haha), before his butt buddies tackled me off of him, at which point my ankle rolled in a seriously uncomfortable fashion. Mike and Brian valiantly got his faggot clique off of me to prevent my ankle from snapping like a dorito.
The story vaguely goes like this...

This Dimmu Borgir comic book collecting kike had the audacity to flip off Nemtheanga and Co. for the duration of their set. Perhaps he was upset that Eluveitie dropped off the tour, or he still wasn't over Ghaal losing the trial, I'm not sure. About half way through Nemtheanga calls him on it, "This fucking prick has been flipping us off all night, hey friend when you flip us off, you're saying fuck you to everyone in this building, yadda yadda." At this point I'm slightly bothered, but I didn't plan on scrapping with the fucker. My plan of attack was simply to grab him and shove him in to our friendly mosh pit. I casually go over to him and shove the fucker in to the circle ahhah. He squirms his way out of it and goes towards the center of the stage. I approach him once again and kindly ask, "hey mate, what's with the disrespect?" This asshat, with his lip quivering, then has the audacity to say, "get your hand off me right now." If only he said please, I would have not taken it as an act of aggression. I grab the fucker by the head and clock him with a right to the back of the noggin, then swarm his ass to the ground. (We're in West Hollywood afterall) At this point I land a couple shots to his faggot face. I reckon I got 4 blows in on the floor (my hand is fucked haha), before his butt buddies tackled me off of him, at which point my ankle rolled in a seriously uncomfortable fashion. Mike and Brian valiantly got his faggot clique off of me to prevent my ankle from snapping like a dorito.

Didn't get a chance to comment on this until today.

Nemtheanga called out this guy (I will call him Dimmu Douche) in a Dimmu Borgir shirt who was in the crowd to his left. Dimmu Douche had been flipping off Primordial through the whole show. Finally before "Coffin Ships," Nemtheanga pointed the guy out and said something about it. Jerry stopped up to kindly invite him into the pit. This person must be afraid of a mosh pit. Dimmu Douche quickly got out of it and moved right to the center of the stage. He began flipping the band off with both hands again. During the last song, "Heathen Tribes," Jerry pulled a Popeye. He said "I've had all that I can stand, I can't stand no more."* He squeezed his drink glass like a can of spinach shooting the drink up in the air and arching to his mouth. Then Jerry procedded to head up and have a deep meaningful discussion with Dimmu Douche. The next thing that I saw looked like a rugby scrum. Mike & I helped pull the loser's friends off the pile.

After Primordial's set, we were standing near the side of the soundbooth. We figured out Jerry got at least 4 shots in on the guy and 1 punch to the floor. Dimmu Douche comes up to Jerry and starts whining about Jerry halting his attempt to ruin the Primordial show for the rest of us. Jerry talks very politely to him using his extreme outdoor voice (ie. like a bullhorn). I hold Jerry back and tell loser to leave before I let Jerry have at him again. Dimmu Douche remembers getting hit beforehand and leaves. Jerry calmly leans back against the soundbooth and security comes running over looking for the altercation. The keystone cops never find it and we continue on watching Korpiklaani when they take the stage.

* - Actual comment was more of a "Fuck that guy!"

I'd like to thank Jerry & Mike for the entertainment at the show. It was good to see you again.