Primordial live webcast...

Heres the Moonsorrow:


Ukkosenjumalan Poika
Kylan Paassa

Fuck doing that Korpiklaani... I can't tell one song from the other. I'm fairly certain they played the same song several times, then beer beer, followed by some other song several times.
I think Mike and I, are the only two people who enjoy Korpiklaani on this forum. With that being said, their set was lost on me. By this point I was as sober as a shaved clam, and Primordial's material was not to be topped or trifled with. Fourth time seeing Moonsorrow, this being the one time I gave them their proper due, with each previous encounter being marred by slurred senses and vomitous juices.
When listening to them on the stream when it was streaming, they didn't sound too bad. But when I listened to it a bit ago while I was dealing with the Moonsorrow... I couldn't stand it. I was quite drunk by the time their stream started though...
Hm. I used to have Korpiklaani's first album, enjoyed it fairly well for a while. Wooden Pints is the only song I remember from it, but it is a good drinking song!

I thought their performance was pretty solid, though like Jerry said, after Primordial, damn near nothing else is gonna measure up. Eric has a point, their material is a little on the monotonous side. I recall more variety on that album I used to listen to, including some extended folky parts that were pretty nice. My parents even said they'd like it if not for the singing.