

Mar 20, 2003
best non metal band imo!!!! I don't even feel gay jumping at their concerts! There really is no other choice sometimes.
yea it sucks....keep your eyes out for the primus dvd later this year! There will eventually be another Primus cd....i'm almost positive
I hope so! However I am thoroughly enjoying Claypool's work with the Frog Brigade, and he's supposed to be doing a project with Danny Carey from Tool and Adrian Belew from King Crimson. Now THAT is a supergroup!!!
Primus are so fucking kool. I'm one of the biggest fans of theirs. I've also heard about Tims apparent return to the group. That would be great to see. No gripes towards Brain though. He did a great job with them, but theirs no denying Herbs talents on the kit. The band with Danny from Tool sounds very kool indeed. I can't wait to hear what could be produced with this pearing of genius talents.
Primus kicks, but I think Les should stick to playing bass in his other projects... Mr. Oysterhead's pretty cool but it doesn't sound right with Les singing.