Printing Drum Samples


Jan 24, 2012
When you guys are printing your drum replacement software (drumagog in my case) to a new track what level are you recording them to a new track at. It seems like the samples are very hot from SSD or alike so im forced to pull my faders down after printing because they are almost peaked out. Are you guys lowering the output in Drumagog/Trigger before you print the track. I hope this question makes sense.
I print them around -12 /-14 dB FS peak, using the output knob of my triggering VST, to keep a good amount of headroom for mixing (and also because I use Nebula consoles, which are calibrated at -18 dB FS).
If you're files are recorded / printed at 24bits quantification, you don't have to worry too much about that and you can keep a good amount of headroom.
to Truie, so example on a slate kick or alike you set the output of the plugin to
-12db??? thats a little more extreme than I was thinking. Maybe RMS? I was thinking to trim it back to -5 or -6 on peaks. huh?

Can anyone else chime in on this?
WEll using slate trigger the volume always clip on the track. I don't know if that is because if you are using all 5 sample slots they add upp in db. I use the trim and trim down to -18. Doing that and starting out with the snare when i mix i end up with a decent volume on the master without it clipping.
to Truie, so example on a slate kick or alike you set the output of the plugin to
-12db??? thats a little more extreme than I was thinking. Maybe RMS? I was thinking to trim it back to -5 or -6 on peaks. huh?

Can anyone else chime in on this?
No, I was speaking about the level of your track, not the output setting of the plugin which depends of the level of your sample.
And I was talking about peak level, not RMS.
SO put your fader track at 0, play your track, look at the peak meter and set your plugin output knob so that your track peak meter reach -12 / -14 dB FS on the hardest hits.
I'm using Trigger and I do that for each sample / slot, using the slot "level" knob.

Is it clearer now ?
To crillemannen, are you talking -18 rms? or peak? When I track I track around -18rms so this makes sense to me. Thank you for your time.
Treat all levels as though you were tracking real drums. One thing I will add, and many won't agree with me, is that if you drag the levels down in the sample mixer it doesn't always sound the same. The solution it to print them hot, at the sampler output level (as long as they're not clipping), then use a trim plugin on every track to bring the level back to what they should be.
-18 peak? wow that seems low, your mixes rock so i dont doubt what you are saying but my snare is usually peaking around -5 -6db when i track. (roughly -18 rms). are you using the trigger plugin output knob to lower it or inserting a trim plug at the end of the chain just before printing?
-18 peak? wow that seems low, your mixes rock so i dont doubt what you are saying but my snare is usually peaking around -5 -6db when i track. (roughly -18 rms). are you using the trigger plugin output knob to lower it or inserting a trim plug at the end of the chain just before printing?

I use the trim plugin in PT. I track fairly loud, you know i gotta make us of that 8000$preamp of mine :ill: hahaha. But i trim down the tracks in PT when i start mixing and i always start with the snare so if i trim the snare track down so it's about green going to yellow on the fader, which should be around -18rms Peak. And that is a good pointer to get a nice volume on your mixes without it clipping on the masterbus.
Unless you can change the metering in Pro Tools, I'm pretty sure that yellow indicates -12dB, not -18. :)

I usually print samples too loud, I have to start printing them at -12... Would definitely improve my workflow.
This is an interesting thread. Here's the way im interpreting what you guys are doing.

- First insert the sample replacement plugin (trigger/drummagog).
- Get the sound you like
- Insert a trim plugin after and lower almost -18db's? (this seems so extreme)
- print track to new track.

Is this the idea?

-18db peak on a snare hardly shows a waveform on light hits. I mix conservatively but this seems extreme. Are you adding processing to this -18db signal to bring it back up? or do your snares literally stay in the green?

Thanks Everyone.