Pro Tools consolidation issue

Parka Dez

Jun 30, 2009
Hey guys,

So I have been recording and editing guitars in a session, then consolidating and importing to a new session for reamping.

However when I consolidate there will be one random issue somewhere in the consolidation were a random group of notes will be put in place of a riff.

Anybody had this? It is making me slightly worried about consolidating regions, so Im thinking of recording the DI out to a track rather than consolidating, but is a complete pain the ass.

Im running PT LE 8.03 on snow leopard, mac pro. Any help would be great. Cheers
I've had that issue with elastic audio enabled tracks. I was just consolidated small sections and checked them before moving on. If you're using elastic audio, I'd trying committing it and I bet you'll have better luck after that.
I know a few times I must have "consolidated too fast" and it didnt consolidate the whole track so i just scroll a little slower now when doing so...stupid idea but it might help