pro-tools/digidesign show

OK, so tonite I went to a ProTools "show". Basically a guy walked us through some new features of pro tools 7 and the new ICON series stuff. It all looks pretty cool but I'm still not sold on how protools is SO different than anything else. The only difference I can see is the PCI cards that take the load off the host computer and their collaboration with the hardware side of stuff, wich sounds like a great thing, but other than that it is the same as Steinburg Nuendo, which is what I use. Plus plug-ins for VST are like half price those that are RTAS and TDM. These are just my takes on the whole ProTools crave. Anyone else have any opinions on the matter.

Ha, dont get me wrong, If i had 100,000 to drop on my studio i would get a HD system in a heartbeat, but for the price conscience consumer I dont see the value in buying Digi instead of other brands.

1) When you get to the point where you have 6 reverb sends, multiple delays, bus compression, and 3 or so plugins on every track, the extra horsepower is an absolute necessity unless you want to spend hours on end freezing/rendering tracks only to go back and change something and re-render them when you decide the snare needs that extra 1 db of 5k boost.

2) For some reason, a lot of the plugins that pro studio mixers/engineers/etc use are developed for Pro Tools exclusively. Probably so they don't have to port them to the less popular systems and can focus on making the product sound better rather than have it run on every DAW out there.

3) They're the CocaCola of digital audio recording and they're good at making money.