Pro Tools Feature wish list (Excluding ADC please)


Protools Guru
Mar 21, 2006
Kelowna, B.C. Canada
Been emailing back and forth with a buddy who works at Avid and he asked me for my top 5 features I want PT to have.

Before I respond is there any creative/cool features you all wish PT had, excluding ADC cause that's an obvious one...

So far I've got these ones...

1. Pre/Post fader switching on inserts

2. Visible grid lines in warp mode

3. adjustable fader increments

4. Audio regions are still visible during movement.

5. multiple region trimming

6. "slip editing" style regions

7. track folders

any ideas?
ah shit that just reminded me of 2 things..

8. Freeze function

9. Offline bouncing

Side note to both of those, some guy is going around gearslutz saying both or 1 of these features is going to be included in 8.5 just in time for the native HD stuff....
Drum editor for midi would be sick. One you can change the notes around and customize stuff like in Cubase.

I think you covered everything else I would want.
I am not a PT user most of the time (besides when doing session work at other studios) so this

1-Drum MIDI editor, and other MIDI features like Cubase 5.
2-Offline bouncing
3- And what is written below :)

Shit, if PT had slip editing, ADC, visible regions during movement, and offline bouncing, even I would jump.

Assuming they had a decent hardware solution available. :lol:
I would love to be able to write on the keys of in the midi editor so I can see what is what and not have to guess what is what. (dunno if thats what everyone is talking about or not)
+1 to all the above

General Interface improvements
double click or right-click menu option to create tracks when clicking in empty track area in edit or mix window (like most other DAWs)
RMS metering on Master faders
Talkback track that auto mutes during playback, key command to dim master during playback for when you do need to talk during playback.
Option in 'get info' window to show info when session is opened. Would be useful when sharing sessions.
Sample rate conversion settings in "Save Copy in..." window
Polarity invert button on channel strips
Rotary knob or mini popup fader when sends are in assignments view
When creating a floating window, put it near where the mouse cursor was instead of where the last window was.
Allow plugin organizing and renaming (DUY Z-Room should be in Reverb not Other, TT Dynamics Meter should be in Other not Dynamics) An additional Metering category would be helpful otherwise.

Audio Processing
more efficient processing (auto disable plugs when no audio is coming in is one method other DAWs use)
Save + Recall FX chains
No more denormalization issues (Sansamp plugin)
Inserts on regions (non-destructive)
Audiosuite 'handles' - a pad on either end of the processed area

No more fade files
Auto crossfade when splitting regions
Batch fade option to ignore previously created fades.
Working SLIP+GRID edit mode. Region movement constrained to grid lines, selection and trimming work as if in slip mode
Volume trim on audio regions
Let us create+save+share editing macros/scripts

Playlist view and comping for Instrument and MIDI tracks
Step sequencer editor (like Boom but larger) with drag & drop to paste patterns into edit window
Arpeggio, randomizer, Auto chord input
Working SLIP+GRID edit mode. Region movement constrained to grid lines, selection and trimming work as if in slip mode

Stay in grid mode with multitool and hold apple to move in slip. Multitool overrides 'match criteria' that appears when apple+clicking in selection mode and is more convenient for editing anyway. Saves me a lot of time.
offline bounce would be nice...
more efficient rtas engine.
ability to run PT without interface (laptop editing)
Seeing regions when moving them.
Scalable mixer window might be nice (with preset heights like track height)
I'd like to see a zeroed mix save function, so a way of saving a mix with no plug ins and everything set to zero, so when a label wants the hard drive back, you are not sending all your mix secrets. I know theres ways to do this but it'd be nice to have in the save as function.
Stem bounces and offline bouncing also.
Couldn't have said it better AudioGeekZine! I'll trim some features I can do without and add some of my own.

General Interface improvements
RMS metering on Master faders
Sample rate conversion settings in "Save Copy in..." window
Polarity invert button on channel strips
Allow plugin organizing and renaming
Input Trim on channel strips.
Analog Metering Mode: 0db level is automatically set to -18dbfs (a -18dbfs signal level is displayed as 0db)
Grid Lines "Always On" mode: grid lines visible in all modes.

Audio Processing
More efficient processing (auto disable plugs when no audio is coming in is one method other DAWs use)
Save + Recall FX chains
No more denormalization issues (Sansamp plugin)
Audiosuite 'handles' - a pad on either end of the processed area
Track Freeze, ofcourse.
Offline Bounce and Group Bounce (like Andy's Stem Bounce suggestion, all groups are bounced into individual stereo files)
Drag n Drop Insert/Send groups: Copy Inserts/Sends A-E or F-J from one channel to another.
Waveform data generation for non audio tracks (like Sonar).

No more fade files
Auto crossfade when splitting regions
Batch fade option to ignore previously created fades.
Working SLIP+GRID edit mode. Region movement constrained to grid lines, selection and trimming work as if in slip mode
Volume trim on audio regions
Let us create+save+share editing macros/scripts

Playlist view and comping for Instrument and MIDI tracks
Step sequencer editor (like Boom but larger) with drag & drop to paste patterns into edit window
Arpeggio, randomizer, Auto chord input