Pro Tools "Small Increment" trick not working


Oct 10, 2009
I'm in windows, and I know that holding down the Control key when moving sliders moves things in smaller increments. I thought I was going crazy but I just double checked it. Anyway, it's not working now. Now when I click on say volume while holding down Control, it changes to pk and dly. What am I doing wrong?
Never worked on a Windows system but on a Mac it is command click on the fader to move in .1dB increments and "cntrl" to change to different metering statuses. Try the other modifier buttons and see if they do anything. Hope that helps
Just tried ctrl, windows key and alt, none of those worked and I know it was one of the lower left hand keys, I was just using this function the other day. This is really weird.
If you're in the Edit window you need to click on the volume indicator first and then hold down the appropriate key for "fine tune" mode. If you hold the key first it cycles the display among volume/peak/delay.
If you're in the Edit window you need to click on the volume indicator first and then hold down the appropriate key for "fine tune" mode. If you hold the key first it cycles the display among volume/peak/delay.

Just tried that, it's still not working. I opened up a session with automation, and it works when moving automation, but that's it. This is really weird. Doesn't work with volume or panning
Ok I just opened up the MIX window and tried it there, and now it works. I have no idea why it doesn't work while in edit window. Thanks!
Yeah I dont recall that function ever working in the edit window. Only the mix window.
Just tried that, it's still not working. I opened up a session with automation, and it works when moving automation, but that's it. This is really weird. Doesn't work with volume or panning

just to be clear, when he says open the volume indicator, he's saying open the volume fader on the channel in the edit window

then after you have that fader open you hold down Ctrl and click / adjust the fader value
just to be clear, when he says open the volume indicator, he's saying open the volume fader on the channel in the edit window

then after you have that fader open you hold down Ctrl and click / adjust the fader value

Ahhh opening the fader "window" from the edit screen. That makes sense. I have tried it with the mini fader thats always in view in the edit window and I don't think it works there. Im so used to apple+= to switch screens or having the mix window on a separate screen I rarely ever open the fader itself in the edit window. That or I am farting from my brain.